QUESTION:What is rheology? Rheology is concerned with the time-dependent deformation of bodies under the influence of applied stresses, both the magnitude and rate, whether the bodies be solid, liquid or gaseous.
QUESTION:What is Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid? Newtonian fluid: A Newtonian fluid's viscosity remains constant, no matter the amount of shear applied for a constant temperature.These fluids have a linear relationship between viscosity and shear stress. Examples:Water, Mineral oil, Gasoline, Alcohol.
non-Newtonian fluids: non-Newtonian fluids are the opposite of Newtonian fluids. When shear is applied to non-Newtonian fluids, the viscosity of the fluid changes. The behavior of the fluid can be described one of four ways:
Dilatant - Viscosity of the fluid increases when shear is applied. Examples: Quicks, Cornflour and water, Silly putty.
Pseudoplastic - Pseudoplastic is the opposite of dilatant; the more shear applied, the less viscous it becomes. Examples:Ketchup.
Rheopectic - Rheopectic is very similar to dilatant in that when shear is applied, viscosity increases. The difference here, is that viscosity increase is time-dependent. Example:Gypsum paste,Cream.
Thixotropic - Fluids with thixotropic properties decrease in viscosity when shear is applied. This is a time dependent property as well. Examples:Paint, Cosmetics, Asphalt,Glue.
Q) What is Rheology? >> Rheology is defined as the science of deformation and flow of matter. Rheology is applicable to all types of materials from gases to solids. Rheology is used in food science to define the consistency of different products. It is described by two components the Viscosity & Elasticity.
>>The individual components of the medium can influence the viscosity of the final medium and its subsequent behaviour with respect to aeration and agitation.
>> In 1960 WEST & DEINDOERFER reported that there can be considerable variation in the viscosity of compounds that may be included in fermentation media.
QUESTION: World's largest working Fermentor? The F1400 is the world's largest vinegar fermentor it holds 1,40,000 litres (140 cubic meter) and delivers more than 25 million litre of vinegar per year.
Q. Who invented bioreactor? Ans. De Beeze and Liebmann in 1944 used the first large scale (above 20 litre capacity) fermentor for the production of yeast. But it was during the first world war, a British scientist named Chain Weizmann (1914-1918) developed a fermentor for the production of acetone.
Q. What are the types of bioreactor? Ans. The six types are: (1) Continuous Stirred Tank Bioreactors (2) Bubble Column Bioreactors (3) Airlift Bioreactors (4) Fluidized Bed Bioreactors (5) Packed Bed Bioreactors and (6) Photo-Bioreactors.
Que: Who summerize newtonian and non newtonian fermentation? Ans: Hubbard summerizes the procedure for newtonian and non newtonian fermentations.They also proposed two methods to determine large scale condition : determine volumetric air flow and calculation of agitator speed. (19MMB 028)
What is Pseudo-plastic and Plastic fluids? 1. Pseudo-plastic fluids are also referred to as shear-thinning fluids. The viscosity of these fluids will decrease with increasing shear rate. pseudo-plastic fluids are polymer solutions and similar solutions of high molecular weight substances. At low shear rates, these liquids will experience the formation of shear stress. The shear stress results in the reordering of the molecules in order to reduce the overall stress. This induction of a higher degree of order in the fluid reduces the shear stress and leads to the observed nonproportionality between the shear rate and the shear force.
2.Plastic fluids Plastic fluids were first recognized by Bingham (1922), and are therefore referred to as Bingham plastics, or Bingham bodies. it is a fluid in which the shear force is not proportional to the shear rate (non-Newtonian) and that requires a finite shear stress to start and maintain flow.
Which law of Newton is followed by Newtonian's fluid? Newtonian's fluid obey Newton's law of viscosity. The law states that the shear stress between two adjacent fluid layers is proportional to velocity gradients between two layers.
What are Pseudoplastics and Plastic fluids? In Rheology, pseudoplastics are also known as "shear thinning." It is the non-Newtonian behavior of fluids whose viscosity decreases under shear strain. It is usually defined as excluding time-dependent effects, such as thixotropy. examples:blood,milk and quicksand
Plastic fluids are also called as Bingham plastic behind the name of the person who proposed its mathematical form: Eugene Bingham. It is a viscoplastic material that behaves as a rigid body at low stresses but flows as a viscous fluid at high stress. It is used as a common mathematical model of mudflow in drilling engineering, and in the handling of slurries. A common example is toothpaste,which will not be extruded until a certain pressure is applied to the tube. It is then pushed out as a solid plug.
Who invented first bioreactor? First large scale bioreactor was used by De Beeze and Liebmann in 1944 for yeast production. But first bioreactor was developed by Chain Weizmann for acetone production between 1914-1918.
What is rheology? Rheology is the branch of physics which comprises the study of the flow of matter, mainly in a liquid state, but also as "soft solids" or solids under conditions in which they respond with plastic flow rather than deforming elastically in response to an applied force. Rheology is the science of deformation and flow within a material.
Which law of Newton is followed by Newtonian's fluid? Newtonian's fluid obey Newton's law of viscosity. The law states that the shear stress between two adjacent fluid layers is proportional to velocity gradients between two layers.
The word rheology comes from the Greek word "rheos," translated to English as "stream," and it might remind some of the Spanish word "rio." This is important to understand the origin of the word because rheology is the study of the flow (like a stream or a river) and the subsequent deformation of matter as a result of flow. The rheological characteristics of materials directly affect the way that they should be handled and processed. Specifically, the rheological properties determine:
•How the material should be mixed •What tools should be used to disperse the material •The way that coatings settle, •The material's shear rate, or the rate that the material can be deformed •How the material flows into spaces.
Rheology has developed two classes of liquids: Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids.
Newtonian Fluids:
Newtonian fluids are those which follow Newton's hypothesis, and they are considered to be perfectly viscous. This is because the ratio between the shear rate and shear stress are constant, or in other words, the viscosity of the liquid remains constant at all possible shear rates for a given temperature. Pure water, oils, and organic solvents are all examples of Newtonian liquids. Because of their purity and the lack of dispersion, Newtonian fluids are much easier to measure. Unfortunately, however, they are not very common.
Non-Newtonian Fluids:
Most liquids are non-Newtonian fluids, meaning they do not have a constant ratio between their shear rate and shear stress. These fluids can be unpredictable in how their shear stress changes according to the shear rate: as the shear rate increases, the shear stress can either increase or decrease, depending on the fluid's own characteristics. As a result, the viscosity of the material is highly variable. Non-Newtonian fluids will have apparent viscosities that depend entirely on the specific experimental conditions, and when working with these materials, it is important to be completely clear as to what these parameters are.
Q-What is Rheology?(19MMB027) Ans- Rheology is the measurement and study of how materials flow. Primarily concerned with fluids ,viscosity plays a role in Rheology as it affects the flow of materials, but Rheology is the study of more than just a liquid's viscosity.
Difference between newtonian and non-newtonian law. -These fluids are termed non-Newtonian fluids. The viscosity of a non-Newtonian fluid will change due to agitation or pressure—technically known as shear stress. A shear stress will not affect the viscosity of a Newtonian fluid.
Que.what is Rheology?(19mmb004) Rheology is the study of the flow of liquids which do not flow easily. Some other materials, such as milk and blood, and also some plastic solids, have more complicated non-Newtonian stress-strain behaviors. These are studied in the sub-discipline of rheology. Rheology is the study of the flow of any material under the influence of an applied force or stress. Rheology is the study of the flow of liquids which do not flow easily.
Rheology is the study of the flow of matter, primarily in a liquid state, but also as "soft solids" or solids under conditions in which they respond with plastic flow ( Any fluidflow in which movement is proportional to the applied force rather than deforming elastically in response to an applied force.
Q. What is upstream processing? ANS. Upstream Processing refers to the first step in which bio-molecules are grown, usually by bacterial or mammalian cell lines, in bioreactors. When they reach the desired density (for batch and fed batch cultures) they are harvested and moved to the downstream section of the bio-process.
Some important temrs. Rheology : Rheology describes the physical flow properties of liquids. An understanding thereof is necessary in order to properly understand mixing and stirring processes and in order to design agitator for complex mixing process.
Viscosity : The viscosity (slow fluidity) of a liquid indicates how easily or difficulty that fluid flows. For examples, the viscosity of petrol is low, and of syrup,high. Viscosity is defined as the ratio between the imposed shear stress and resulting velocity gradient in the liquid.
Newtonian liquid : If the liquid has a constant viscosity at all velocity gradients,then it is newtonian. Water is a newtonian liquid. Whereas paint is non-newtonian.
Pseudo-plastic : At higher velocity gradient, if the shearing force increases less than proportionally,it is called pseudo-plastic. Under the influence of movement, the liquid seems to become thinner. This is called 'shear - thinning'.
Dilatant : When the shearing force increases more than proportionally at higher velocity gradient, the effect is known as shear thickening. Such fluids are known as dilatants and become thicker due to the influence of movement. Examples of fluids that behave in this way are honey, quicksand and liquid ceramics.
Thixotrophic : In a thixotrophic fluid, the viscosity decreases over the time the shear stress is applied, and returns back to the original viscosity with the cessation of the movement. Examples include ketchup and drilling fluid.
Rheopectic : When the viscosity of a liquid increases with time (at constant shear stress), it is called rheopectic. Some lubricants are rheopectic.
Viscoelastic : Some fluids exhibit both viscous and elastic properties. These liquids are then not only resistant to motion, but also, with the cessation of the movement, want to return back to their original state. The viscoelastic fluids form a problem of mixing process. 'Dead zones' can easily occur and such fluids exhibit the tendency to creep upwards along the agitator shaft. Examples of viscoelastic fluids are elastomers, polymers and glues.
Newtonian Fluid :- Fluid in which increase in shear stress i.e. stress or force per unit area increases then rate of flow also increases without affecting viscosity of fluid.
Non Newtonian Fluid :- Fluid doesn't obey Newton's law of viscosity initially and they change their viscosity on applying force or shear stress, upto the level till it's component molecules gets separated from each other so as to nullify their effect which they insert on each other and then it obey the viscosity law; so till the time fluid starts to flow following Newtonian Law it follows flow which can be said as plastic flow. They are of plastic and pseudoplastic type, among which pseudoplastic is liquid but behaves and observed as solid, and it has property of fluidity but is less than water; e.g. Ketchup.
GEA plant for bacterial cultures:- Hansen's production site features the latest highly complex AIR17-fermentation project four production lines; two lines with 45 cubic meter fermenters each and two lines with 100 cubic meter fermenters each. This makes it the largest production site of its kind worldwide, according to GEA.
History Year of discovery Name of the discoverer and their discovery During 1914-15 A fermentor was developed for the production of acetone by the scientist Chain Weizmann. 1930 Large scale aerobic fermentor was developed. 1934 In this year, aeration system, water and steam inlet flow was introduced in a fermentor by the scientists Strauch and Schmidt. 1944 A fermentor was developed for the yeast production by the scientists De Beeze and Liebmann for the large scale production. 1950 A fermentor was developed in India at Hindustan Antibiotic Ltd., Pune and named it as “Pilot fermentor”.
What is screening? It is a technique which involves detection and isolation of desired microorganisms amongs various other microorganisms.
There are 2 types of screening:
(A) Primary screening: It is a technique which involves detection and isolation of desired microorganisms based on their qualitative ability to produce desired product by use of simple methods.
(B) Secondary screening: In this, industrially important microorganisms are characterized by using highly selective procedures.
Newtonian fluid is a fkuid in which viscous stresses arising from its flow at even point ate linearly proportional to local strain rate. Strain rate; rate of change of its deformation over time.
Non Newtonian Fluid; a fluid that does not follow Newton's Law of viscosity independent of stress. Viscosity can change when under force to either more liquid or more solid.
Question:-What is metabolic flux? Answer:-Metabolic flux refers to the amount of a metabolite processed by one or more catalytic steps per unit time, and it is typically normalized by cellular abundance.It is quantitative method (e.g., gram dry weight)
Que. Detection of premature contamination during fermentation process. Ans.The early detection of microbial contamination is crucial to avoid process failure and costly delays in fermentation industries. However, traditional detection methods such as plate counting and microscopy are labor-intensive, insensitive, and time-consuming. Modern techniques that can detect microbial contamination rapidly and cost-effectively are therefore sought. In the present study, we propose gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)-based metabolic footprint analysis as a rapid and reliable method for the detection of microbial contamination in fermentation processes. Our metabolic footprint analysis detected statistically significant differences in metabolite profiles of axenic and contaminated batch cultures of microalgae as early as 3 h after contamination was introduced, while classical detection methods could detect contamination only after 24 h. The data were analyzed by discriminant function analysis and were validated by leave-one-out cross-validation. We obtained a 97% success rate in correctly classifying samples coming from contaminated or axenic cultures. Therefore, metabolic footprint analysis combined with discriminant function analysis presents a rapid and cost-effective approach to monitor microbial contamination in industrial fermentation processes.
What is largest fermentor constructed in the world used for? World's largest fermentor is for probiotics production and its down stream processing. Du Point Opens World -Class Probiotics Fermentation Unit.
Newtonian and Non Newtonian Fluid? Newtonian Fluid :- Fluid in which increase in shear stress i.e. stress or force per unit area increases then rate of flow also increases without affecting viscosity of fluid. Non Newtonian Fluid :- Fluid doesn't obey Newton's law of viscosity initially and they change their viscosity on applying force or shear stress, upto the level till it's component molecules gets separated from each other so as to nullify their effect which they insert on each other and then it obey the viscosity law; so till the time fluid starts to flow following Newtonian Law it follows flow which can be said as plastic flow. They are of plastic and pseudoplastic type, among which pseudoplastic is liquid but behaves and observed as solid, and it has property of fluidity but is less than water; e.g. Ketchup.
What is metabolic flux ? Metabolic flux refers to the amount of a metabolite processed by one or more catalytic steps per unit time, and it is typically normalized by cellular abundance.It is quantitative method (e.g., gram dry weight).
What is Pseudo-plastic and Plastic fluids? Pseudo-plastic fluids are also referred to as shear-thinning fluids. The viscosity of these fluids will decrease with increasing shear rate. pseudo-plastic fluids are polymer solutions and similar solutions of high molecular weight substances. At low shear rates, these liquids will experience the formation of shear stress. The shear stress results in the reordering of the molecules in order to reduce the overall stress. This induction of a higher degree of order in the fluid reduces the shear stress and leads to the observed nonproportionality between the shear rate and the shear force. Plastic fluids Plastic fluids were first recognized by Bingham (1922), and are therefore referred to as Bingham plastics, or Bingham bodies. it is a fluid in which the shear force is not proportional to the shear rate (non-Newtonian) and that requires a finite shear stress to start and maintain flow.
Question:-What do you mean by robust organisms? Answers:-Robust organisms means they have ability to bear the stress Since organisms are constantly exposed to genetic and non-genetic perturbations, robustness is important to ensure the stability of phenotypes. Robustness can be empirically measured for several genomes and individual genes by inducing mutations and measuring what proportion of mutants retain the same phenotype, function or fitness.
In Industry there is more use of Batch fermentation than Continuous fermentation. Why? Batch fermentation is easy to set up than continuous fermentation. In continuous Fermentation it requires sophisticated instrumentation. Batch fermentation is more suitable for the production of secondary metabolites like Antibiotics. In Batch Fermentation, Less investment is required and Labour demand is also less and , after the fermentation is over, the residues are taken out from the fermentation tank, and vessel is then cleaned and sterilized before next batch of fermentation so that Chance of contamination is less .
What is metabolic flux ? Metabolic flux is the amount of a metabolite processed by one or more catalytic steps per unit time, and is normalized by cellular abundance amd is quantitative method
What are Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids and their role in fermentation? Ans:- Newtonian fluids are named after Sir Issac Newton (1642 - 1726) who described the flow behavior of fluids with a simple linear relation between shear stress [mPa] and shear rate [1/s]. This relationship is now known as Newton's Law of Viscosity, where the proportionality constant η is the viscosity [mPa-s] of the fluid. In reality most fluids are non-Newtonian, which means that their viscosity is dependent on shear rate (Shear Thinning or Thickening) or the deformation history (Thixotropic fluids). In contrast to Newtonian fluids, non-Newtonian fluids display either a non-linear relation between shear stress and shear rate, have a yield stress, or viscosity that is dependent on time or deformation history (or a combination of all the above!) Some examples of Newtonian fluids include water, organic solvents, and honey. The viscous nature or the rheological properties will affect the mixing regimes of the fermentor. Viscosity is not a simple but a complex phenomena that is always changing and responding to various parameters. Very rarely can we describe a fermentation broth as following a Newtonian behaviour. In most cases it is a complex combinations of various Non Newtonian behaviour. This poor understanding of the fluid behaviour of the fermentation broth will affect the efficiency of mixing and liquid circulations resulting in poorly controlled or less economical fermentation process. IMPACT OF VISCOSITY ON FERMENTATION: The most crucial effect of viscosity is that it makes the situation very difficult to achieve proper and complete mixings. This will affect the various mass transfer processes that occur in the fermentor. poor mixings due to high viscosity will also result in the formation of various physical and chemical gradients. Viscosity makes scaling up studies difficult due to the change in behaviour of the fermentation broth such as difficulty in mass heat transfers, solubility of components and gases and mixings at the upper scale of fermentation process.
What is bioreactor? What are the types of bioreactor? Bioreactor is a device that uses mechanical means to influence biological processes. 6 Types; a) Continuous stirred tank b) Airlift bioreactor c) Fluidized bioreactor d) Packedbed bioreactor e) Photo bioreactor f) Bubble column bioreactors
WHAT IS RHEOLOGY? It is Cellular processes lead to changes in elastic and viscous properties of cells. Rheolgy is science that deals with deformation and flow of materials.
Which is the Largest fermentor constructed in the world: World's largest fermentor is for probiotics production and its down stream processing. Du Point Opens World -Class Probiotics Fermentation Unit.
Which law of Newton is followed by Newtonian's fluid? Newtonian's fluid obey Newton's law of viscosity. The law states that the shear stress between two adjacent fluid layers is proportional to velocity gradients between two layers.
What are robust organisms? Robust organisms have ability to bear the stress Since organisms are constantly exposed to genetic and non-genetic perturbations, robustness is important to ensure the stability of phenotypes. Robustness can be empirically measured for several genomes and individual genes by inducing mutations and measuring what proportion of mutants retain the same phenotype, function or fitness.
Q. Who invented bioreactor? Ans. De Beeze and Liebmann in 1944 used the first large scale (above 20 litre capacity) fermentor for the production of yeast. But it was during the first world war, a British scientist named Chain Weizmann (1914-1918) developed a fermentor for the production of acetone.
How is pH controlled in a fermenter? pH is controlled with the help of pH electrodes. The pH sensing element consists of a pair of electrodes which is in contact with the liquid sample. HgC. One of the electrode is used as a reference, while the other one is sensitive to the pH of the sample. The reference electrode is ion insensitive and is made up of an inert material which contains Ag/AgCl or Hg/HgCl. The pH sensitive electrode is made up of glass which contains a buffer solution at a constant pH. The glass behaves as a membrane that seperates the sample from the buffer solution and a potential proportional to the pH difference is generated. Then according to the pH reading obtained, the pH of a fermenter is controlled with the addition of acid or alkali.
What is upstream processing? Upstream Processing refers to the first step in which bio-molecules are grown, usually by bacterial or mammalian cell lines, in bioreactors. When they reach the desired density (for batch and fed batch cultures) they are harvested and moved to the downstream section of the bio-process.
Who invented bioreactor? De Beeze and Liebmann in 1944 used the first large scale (above 20 litre capacity) fermentor for the production of yeast. But it was during the first world war, a British scientist named Chain Weizmann (1914-1918) developed a fermentor for the production of acetone.
What is upstream processing? Upstream Processing refers to the first step in which bio-molecules are grown, usually by bacterial or mammalian cell lines, in bioreactors. When they reach the desired density (for batch and fed batch cultures) they are harvested and moved to the downstream section of the bio-process.
Some important terms: 1)Rheology : Rheology describes the physical flow properties of liquids. An understanding thereof is necessary in order to properly understand mixing and stirring processes and in order to design agitator for complex mixing process. 2)Viscosity : The viscosity (slow fluidity) of a liquid indicates how easily or difficulty that fluid flows. For examples, the viscosity of petrol is low, and of syrup,high. Viscosity is defined as the ratio between the imposed shear stress and resulting velocity gradient in the liquid. 3)Newtonian liquid : If the liquid has a constant viscosity at all velocity gradients,then it is newtonian. Water is a newtonian liquid. Whereas paint is non-newtonian. 4)Pseudo-plastic : At higher velocity gradient, if the shearing force increases less than proportionally,it is called pseudo-plastic. Under the influence of movement, the liquid seems to become thinner. This is called 'shear - thinning'. 5)Dilatant : When the shearing force increases more than proportionally at higher velocity gradient, the effect is known as shear thickening. Such fluids are known as dilatants and become thicker due to the influence of movement. Examples of fluids that behave in this way are honey, quicksand and liquid ceramics. 6)Thixotrophic : In a thixotrophic fluid, the viscosity decreases over the time the shear stress is applied, and returns back to the original viscosity with the cessation of the movement. Examples include ketchup and drilling fluid. 7)Rheopectic : When the viscosity of a liquid increases with time (at constant shear stress), it is called rheopectic. Some lubricants are rheopectic. 8)Viscoelastic : Some fluids exhibit both viscous and elastic properties. These liquids are then not only resistant to motion, but also, with the cessation of the movement, want to return back to their original state. The viscoelastic fluids form a problem of mixing process. 'Dead zones' can easily occur and such fluids exhibit the tendency to creep upwards along the agitator shaft. Examples of viscoelastic fluids are elastomers, polymers and glues.
The Largest Fermentor:- GEA plant for bacterial cultures:- Hansen's production site features the latest highly complex AIR17-fermentation project four production lines; two lines with 45 cubic meter fermenters each and two lines with 100 cubic meter fermenters each. This makes it the largest production site of its kind worldwide, according to GEA.
What is screening? It is a technique which involves detection and isolation of desired microorganisms amongs various other microorganisms. There are 2 types of screening: (A) Primary screening: It is a technique which involves detection and isolation of desired microorganisms based on their qualitative ability to produce desired product by use of simple methods. (B) Secondary screening: In this, industrially important microorganisms are characterized by using highly selective procedures.
What is screening? Screening is a technique that involves detection and isolation of desired microorganisms amongs various other microorganisms. There are 2 types of screening: 1)Primary screening: It involves detection and isolation of desired microorganisms based on their qualitative ability to produce desired product by use of simple methods. 2)Secondary screening: In this type of screening industrially important microorganisms are characterized by using highly selective procedures.
How is pH controlled in the bioreactor? pH is controlled with the help of pH electrodes. The pH sensing element consists of a pair of electrodes which is in contact with the liquid sample. One of the electrode is used as a reference, while the other one is sensitive to the pH of the sample. The reference electrode is ion insensitive and is made up of an inert material which contains Ag/AgCl or Hg/HgCl. The pH sensitive electrode is made up of glass which contains a buffer solution at a constant pH. The glass behaves as a membrane that seperates the sample from the buffer solution and a potential proportional to the pH difference is generated. Then according to the pH reading obtained, the pH of a fermenter is controlled with the addition of acid or alkali.
What are robust organisms? Robust organisms are the organism that have ability to bear the stress Since organisms are constantly exposed to genetic and non-genetic perturbations, robustness is important to ensure the stability of phenotypes. Robustness can be measured for several genomes and individual genes by inducing mutations and measuring what proportion of mutants retain the same phenotype, function or fitness.
What is Pseudo-plastic and Plastic fluids? Pseudo-plastic fluids are also referred to as shear-thinning fluids. The viscosity of these fluids will decrease with increasing shear rate. pseudo-plastic fluids are polymer solutions and similar solutions of high molecular weight substances. At low shear rates, these liquids will experience the formation of shear stress. The shear stress results in the reordering of the molecules in order to reduce the overall stress. This induction of a higher degree of order in the fluid reduces the shear stress and leads to the observed nonproportionality between the shear rate and the shear force. Plastic fluids Plastic fluids were first recognized by Bingham (1922), and are therefore referred to as Bingham plastics, or Bingham bodies. it is a fluid in which the shear force is not proportional to the shear rate (non-Newtonian) and that requires a finite shear stress to start and maintain flow.
What is downstream processing? Downstream processing refers to the recovery and the purification of biosynthetic products, particularly pharmaceuticals, from natural sources such as animal or plant tissue or fermentation broth, including the recycling of salvageable components and the proper treatment and disposal of waste. It is an essential step in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics, hormones (e.g. insulin and humans growth hormone), antibodies (e.g. infliximab and abciximab) and vaccines; antibodies and enzymes used in diagnostics; industrial enzymes; and natural fragrance and flavor compounds. Downstream processing is usually considered a specialized field in biochemical engineering, itself a specialization within chemical engineering, though many of the key technologies were developed by chemists and biologists for laboratory-scale separation of biological products. Downstream processing and analytical bioseparation both refer to the separation or purification of biological products, but at different scales of operation and for different purposes. Downstream processing implies manufacture of a purified product fit for a specific use, generally in marketable quantities, while analytical bioseparation refers to purification for the sole purpose of measuring a component or components of a mixture, and may deal with sample sizes as small as a single cell.
The Largest Fermentor:- GEA plant for bacterial cultures:- Hansen's production site features the latest highly complex AIR17-fermentation project four production lines; two lines with 45 cubic meter fermenters each and two lines with 100 cubic meter fermenters each. This makes it the largest production site of its kind worldwide, according to GEA.
Q. Who invented bioreactor? Ans. De Beeze and Liebmann in 1944 used the first large scale (above 20 litre capacity) fermentor for the production of yeast. But it was during the first world war, a British scientist named Chain Weizmann (1914-1918) developed a fermentor for the production of acetone.
Widely used stainless steel in fermentation industry : Most widely used stainless steel in fermentation industry is type 316: Alloys often are added to steel to increase desired properties. Marine grade stainless steel, called type 316, is resistant to certain types of interactions. There are a variety of different types of 316 stainless steels, including 316 L, F, N, H, and several others. Each is slightly different, and each is used for different purpose While similar to Type 304, which is common in the food industry, type 316 exhibit better corrosion resistance and is stronger at elevated temperatures. It is also non-hardenable by heat treatment and can be readily formed and drawn Type 316 steel is an austenitic chromium-nickel stainless steel that contains between two and three percent molybdenum. The molybdenum content increases corrosion resistance, improves resistance to pitting in chloride ion solutions and increases strength at high temperatures. Type 316 grade stainless steel is particularly effective in acidic environments. This grade of steel is effective in protecting against corrosion caused by sulfuric, hydrochloric, acetic, formic, and tartaric acids, as well as acid sulfates and alkaline chlorides. Physical Properties of type 316 steel: Density: 0.799g/cm3 Electrical resistivity: 74 microhm-cm (20 degrees Celsius) Specific Heat: 0.50 kJ/kg-K (0-100 degrees Celsius) Thermal conductivity: 16.2 W/m-k (100 degrees Celsius) Modulus of Elasticity (MPa): 193 x 103 in tension Melting Range: 2,500-2,550 degrees Fahrenheit (1,371-1,399 degrees Celsius) A breakdown of the percentages of various elements used to create type 316 steel Element(%)- Carbon- 0.08 Manganese- 2.00 Phosphorus- 0.045 Sulfur- 0.03 Silicon- 0.75 Chromium- 16.00-18.00 Nickel -10.00-14.00 Molybdenum 2.00-3.00 Nitrogen- 0.10 max. Iron- Balance
Categories of non-Newtonian fluids: Ans: there are 4 categories of non Newtonian fluids, 1. Thioxotropic : viscosity decreases with stress over time 2.rheopectic : viscosity increases over time. 3.shear thinning : viscosity decreases with increased stress. 4. Dilatant or shear thickening : viscosity increases with increased in stress.
Describe Rheology, its types and effect on fermentation Rheology is the study of flow and deformation of materials under applied forces. It is classified as: 1) Newtonian fluids : Obeys Newton's law. Viscosity changes with temperature 2) Non Newtonian Fluids : Doesn't obey Newton's law Viscosity changes with the strain rate. 3) Pseudoplastic Rheology 4) Bingham Plastic Rheology 5) Dilatant Rheology 6) Casson Body Rheology The viscous nature or the rheological properties will affect the mixing regimes of the fermentor. Viscosity is a complex phenomena that is always changing and responding to various parameters. Very rarely can we describe a fermentation broth as following a Newtonian behaviour. In most cases it is a complex combinations of various Non Newtonian behaviour. This poor understanding of the fluid behaviour of the fermentation broth will affect the efficiency of mixing and liquid circulations resulting in poorly controlled or less economical fermentation process.
Laboratory scale fermentor- for small scale production, glass or stainless steel can be used for construction. Pilot scale and large scale- for pilot scale and large scale fermentors, mild steel coated with glass or e epoxy materials are used. AISI grade 316 which contains 18% chromium, 10% nickel and 2-2.5% molybdenum are commonly used. for citric acid production where pH is 1-2, stainless steel of AISI grade 304 is commonly used.
Non-Newtonian fluids and its classification: The Non Newtonian nature is due to the composition of a fermentation broth which is not uniform and complex. The fermentation broth often show complex interactions of solid, liquid and gas phases. The rheology of the fermentation broth is always changing as a function of time and with the progress of the fermentation.The main impact of Non Newtonian rheology is that it affect mixings and mass transfers of heat and oxygen and prevent efficient homogenous composition to occur. Rheology is the study of fluid deformation and flow under pressure and the relationship between stress and strain. Each rheological type will give different mixing profile. This has led to the classification of various classes of Non Newtonian fluids such as 1-viscoplastic fluid, 2-bingham fluid, 3-pseudoplastic fluid, 4-dilatant fluid Non Newtonian rheology curves can be made up of various types. Most of these rhelogical curves are graphs where the x- axis is shear stress and the y- axis is shear rate. Generally all Non Newtonian fluids show some similarity in relationship with Newtonian fluid reflecting the effect of shear stress on shear rate. There is roughly a direct linear relationship (with variations) between shear stress and shear rate. Differences only that Newtonian fluid adhere strictly and very linear and start at point zero of the axis. 1 Viscoplastic and Bingham starts only after certain level of shear stress. This means that the fluid will NOT respond immediately to applied stress and will only react after reaching the critical power point 2 Pseudoplastic and dilatants start at zero point but are curved in their shape. This mean that the fluid will respond immediately to the power or energy input. This is similar to Non Newtonian. However their response will be different in that it is not a linear relationship between stress and shear rate 3 Viscoplastic, pseudoplastic and dilatants are curved in their shapes This means that these fluids react in their yield behavior under stress differently. These rheological graphs will tell us how to respond efficiently with the type of broth being fermented.By understanding the various rheological changes that occur in the fermentation broth we can: 1 Try to achieve uniform homogenization and optimum mass transfer 2 Try to optimize energy usage in mixing of the fermentation broth In carrying out the fermentation, we are using the impeller to mix the broth. Energy is transferred and dissipated to the broth by the impeller system. The impeller is in simplicity the shear stress being enforced upon the broth. The effect of the impeller or mixing on the broth will result in the flow or turbulence of the broth. The broth will respond by exhibiting stress yield properties such as thinning out of the broth to improve mass transfer processes. So if we know the rheology of the fermentation broth it will help us to adapt to obtain very efficient fermentation by adjusting our mixing regimes. This is especially so when the rheology changes with time and conditions.
Que)How to detect contamination prematurely? **Detection technique of fungal contamination** >> It can be detected by using the application of "E Nose"(Electronic Nose) based on MOS(metal oxide semiconductors) gas sensor array for a rapid evaluation and identification of samples contaminated with various fungi genera.
>> Selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) Methods which enable the analysis of volatile fungi metabolites. Many genera of fungi produce a specific range of volatiles. This profile gas fingerprinting could be utilized for early detection of fungal contamination of stricken materials.
>> Electronic or optoelectronic nose technology has been previously used in many branches like food, medical, environmental industries. Therefore the possibility of identifying fungal contamination of samples and their genera carried out on the basis of head space analysis is relevant for environmental or civil engineering both from the scientific and practical stand point. Such studies are important especially in the early stages of fungal development when their presence is not yet visible the concentration of spores is low and there is no obvious development of mycelia.
Penicillin History and struggle that people did to make the high scale production. Given below is the link may refer it:
How to detect contamination prematurely? 1)Detection technique of fungal contamination: It can be detected by using the application of "E Nose"(Electronic Nose) based on MOS(metal oxide semiconductors) gas sensor array for a rapid evaluation and identification of samples contaminated with various fungi genera. 2)Selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) Methods which enable the analysis of volatile fungi metabolites. Many genera of fungi produce a specific range of volatiles. This profile gas fingerprinting could be utilized for early detection of fungal contamination of stricken materials. 3)Electronic or optoelectronic nose technology has been previously used in many branches like food, medical, environmental industries. Therefore the possibility of identifying fungal contamination of samples and their genera carried out on the basis of head space analysis is relevant for environmental or civil engineering both from the scientific and practical stand point. Such studies are important especially in the early stages of fungal development when their presence is not yet visible the concentration of spores is low and there is no obvious development of mycelia
Why there is more use of Batch fermentation than Continuous fermentation in industries? Batch fermentation is easy to set up than continuous fermentation. In continuous Fermentation it requires sophisticated instrumentation. Batch fermentation is more suitable for the production of secondary metabolites like Antibiotics. In Batch Fermentation, Less investment is required and Labour demand is also less and , after the fermentation is over, the residues are taken out from the fermentation tank, and vessel is then cleaned and sterilized before next batch of fermentation so that Chance of contamination is less .
What is strain improvement? Strain improvement is aTechnology of manipulating and improving microbial strains in order to enhancemetabolic capabilities. The directed improvement of productformation or cellular properties through modifications of specific biochemicalpathways or by introduction of new pathways using recombinant DNA technology.
Purpose of strain improvement : Increase the productivities . Regulating the activity of the enzymes . Increasing the permeability . To change un used co-Metabolites . Introducing new genetic properties into the organism by Recombinant DNA technology / Genetic engineering.
What is Rheology? Rheology is a branch of physics that deals with the study of the flow of liquid matter and the deformation of solid materials. • Rheology considers the non-Newtonian fluids that remains viscous or in a semi-solid state and the deformation of solids during the application of a certain amount of force. •The rheological characteristics of materials directly affect the way that they should be handled and processed. Specifically, the rheological properties determine: 1)How the material should be mixed 2)What tools should be used to disperse the material 3)The way that coatings settle, 4)The material's shear rate, or the rate that the material can be deformed 5)How the material flows into spaces.
what is the difference between Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids? Newtonian fluids have a constant viscosity that doesn’t change, no matter the pressure being applied to the fluid. This also means they don’t compress. Non-Newtonian fluids are just the opposite — if enough force is applied to these fluids, their viscosity will change. These fluids are broken up into two categories — dilatants, which get thicker when force is applied, and pseudoplastics, which get thinner under the same circumstances. These can be further broken down into rheopectic and thixotropic categories. Rheopectics work like dilatants in that they get thicker when force is applied. Thixotropic materials get thinner, like pseudoplastics do. The difference here is that the latter two categories are time dependant. The viscosity doesn’t change immediately but changes slowly over time as more and more force is applied. Newtonian fluids include mineral oil, alcohol and gasoline. Non-Newtonian Fluids in Daily Life: Dilatants are probably the most well known nonnewtonian fluids. They become thick or almost solid when force is applied to them and are made up of water mixed with other materials. Oobleck, the colloquial name for a mixture of water and cornstarch, is probably the most well-known, but quicksand and silly putty also fall into this category. Rheopectic fluids get thicker in relation to the pressure being applied to them and the time that the pressure is being applied. The best example of a rheopectic fluid is cream. With enough time and pressure, cream becomes butter. Thixotropic fluids are similar to pseudoplastics in that they get thinner as pressure is applied to them, but it’s also dependant on the time that the pressure is being applied. Things like cosmetics, asphalt and glue all fall into the thixotropic category.
What is Rheology? Rheology is a branch of physics that deals with the study of the flow of liquid matter and the deformation of solid materials. • Rheology considers the non-Newtonian fluids that remains viscous or in a semi-solid state and the deformation of solids during the application of a certain amount of force. •The rheological characteristics of materials directly affect the way that they should be handled and processed. Specifically, the rheological properties determine: 1)How the material should be mixed 2)What tools should be used to disperse the material 3)The way that coatings settle, 4)The material's shear rate, or the rate that the material can be deformed 5)How the material flows into spaces.
History of fermentors: Year of discovery Name of the discoverer and their discovery: During 1914-15 A fermentor was developed for the production of acetone by the scientist Chain Weizmann. 1930 Large scale aerobic fermentor was developed. 1934 In this year, aeration system, water and steam inlet flow was introduced in a fermentor by the scientists Strauch and Schmidt. 1944 A fermentor was developed for the yeast production by the scientists De Beeze and Liebmann for the large scale production. 1950 A fermentor was developed in India at Hindustan Antibiotic Ltd., Pune and named it as “Pilot fermentor”.
QUESTION: World's largest working Fermentor? The F1400 is the world's largest vinegar fermentor it holds 1,40,000 litres (140 cubic meter) and delivers more than 25 million litre of vinegar per year.
Who summerized newtonian and non newtonian fermentation? Hubbard summerizes the procedure for newtonian and non newtonian fermentations.They also proposed two methods to determine large scale condition : determine volumetric air flow and calculation of agitator speed.
Detection of premature contamination during fermentation process: The early detection of microbial contamination is crucial to avoid process failure and costly delays in fermentation industries. However, traditional detection methods such as plate counting and microscopy are labor-intensive, insensitive, and time-consuming. Modern techniques that can detect microbial contamination rapidly and cost-effectively are therefore sought. In the present study, we propose gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)-based metabolic footprint analysis as a rapid and reliable method for the detection of microbial contamination in fermentation processes. Our metabolic footprint analysis detected statistically significant differences in metabolite profiles of axenic and contaminated batch cultures of microalgae as early as 3 h after contamination was introduced, while classical detection methods could detect contamination only after 24 h. The data were analyzed by discriminant function analysis and were validated by leave-one-out cross-validation. We obtained a 97% success rate in correctly classifying samples coming from contaminated or axenic cultures. Therefore, metabolic footprint analysis combined with discriminant function analysis presents a rapid and cost-effective approach to monitor microbial contamination in industrial fermentation processes.
What is industrial microbiology? Industrial microbiology is a branch of applied microbiology in which microorganisms are used in industrial processes; for example, in the production of high-value products such as drugs, chemicals, fuels and electricity.
Industrial microbiology and fermentation technology: Fermentation is the process involving the biochemical activity of organisms, during their growth, development, reproduction, even senescence and death. Fermentation technology is the use of organisms to produce food, pharmaceuticals and alcoholic beverages on a large scale industrial basis. The basic principle involved in the industrial fermentation technology is that organisms are grown under suitable conditions, by providing raw materials meeting all the necessary requirements such as carbon, nitrogen, salts, trace elements and vitamins.
•Fermented food products and their benefits 1. Sauerkraut used as probiotic made from cabbage 2. Kimchi is made from cabbage 3. Kefir break down lactose so it is easier to digest for people with lactose intolerance . 4.Kombucha 5.Miso is made from barley,rice or soybean (19MMB 028)
Design of fermentor: Bioreactor design is a relatively complex engineering task, which is studied in the discipline of biochemical/bioprocess engineering. Under optimum conditions, the microorganisms or cells are able to perform their desired function with limited production of impurities. The environmental conditions inside the bioreactor, such as temperature, nutrient concentrations, pH, and dissolved gases (especially oxygen for aerobic fermentations) affect the growth and productivity of the organisms. The temperature of the fermentation medium is maintained by a cooling jacket, coils, or both. Particularly exothermic fermentations may require the use of external heat exchangers. Nutrients may be continuously added to the fermenter, as in a fed-batch system, or may be charged into the reactor at the beginning of fermentation. The pH of the medium is measured and adjusted with small amounts of acid or base, depending upon the fermentation. For aerobic (and some anaerobic) fermentations, reactant gases (especially oxygen) must be added to the fermentation. Since oxygen is relatively insoluble in water (the basis of nearly all fermentation media), air (or purified oxygen) must be added continuously. The action of the rising bubbles helps mix the fermentation medium and also "strips" out waste gases, such as carbon dioxide. In practice, bioreactors are often pressurized; this increases the solubility of oxygen in water. In an aerobic process, optimal oxygen transfer is sometimes the rate limiting step. Oxygen is poorly soluble in water—even less in warm fermentation broths—and is relatively scarce in air (20.95%). Oxygen transfer is usually helped by agitation, which is also needed to mix nutrients and to keep the fermentation homogeneous. Gas dispersing agitators are used to break up air bubbles and circulate them throughout the vessel. Fouling can harm the overall efficiency of the bioreactor, especially the heat exchangers. To avoid it, the bioreactor must be easily cleaned. Interior surfaces are typically made of stainless steel for easy cleaning and sanitation. Typically bioreactors are cleaned between batches, or are designed to reduce fouling as much as possible when operated continuously. Heat transfer is an important part of bioreactor design; small vessels can be cooled with a cooling jacket, but larger vessels may require coils or an external heat exchanger.
Fermented food products and their benefits : Common fermented foods include kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh, kombucha, and yogurt. These foods may reduce heart disease risk and aid digestion, immunity, and weight loss Sauerkraut used as probiotic made from cabbage Kefir break down lactose so it is easier to digest for people with lactose intolerance .
Characteristics of microorganism used in industrial fermentation are as follows : The microbes use must be contamination free. In case, if it is bacteria, it should be phage free. Grow in simple media: minimal nutritional requirements. Also, preferably not require growth factors (i.e., pre-formed vi¬tamins, nucleotides, and acids). The organism should be genetically and physiologically stable. Hence, they must resist random mutations. The organism should also accept a certain degree of genetic manipulation to en¬able the creation of strains with more acceptable properties. The microbes should grow vigorously and rapidly. The growth period must be shorter, not more than 24 – 36 hours. They should lead to a single desired product in a short time possible. The product should not contain unwanted materials and toxins. The microbes should produce their products extracellularly to reduce the cost price. Should produce the products of interest in high yield. If possible, the microbes used should be nonpathogenic. The organism should not be too highly demanding of oxygen. The microbes should be conserved for an extended period and become viable after thawing process. The microbes need to be reasonably resis¬tant to predators such as Bdellovibrio spp or bacteriophages
With the help of Fermentation Microbiology we can shift from hydrocarbon based energy source like- petroleum, coal, natural gas to a bio-based green economy specially by renewable energy sources, particularly microbial bio-fuels(ehtanol,methane.hydrogen..etc.) Ethanol- Sugar fermentation by yeast( Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Zymomonas mobilis are primarily used) to processed fermentation sugars needed for fermentation is available from agricultural products and waste and this fermented bio-ethanols as a fuel source offers advantages over standard fossil fuels. Hydrogen- fermentation of organic compounds by many bacteria generates hydrogen.For example, some enterobacteria produce hydrogen and CO2. Methane production: Methane (CH4) is an energy-rich fuel that can be produced by anaerobic decomposition of waste materials.
fermentations can be divided into four types: 1)Production of biomass (viable cellular material) 2)Production of extracellular metabolites (chemical compounds) 3)Production of intracellular components (enzymes and other proteins) 4)Transformation of substrate (in which the transformed substrate is itself the product) These types are not necessarily disjoint from each other, but provide a framework for understanding the differences in approach. The organisms used may be bacteria, yeasts, molds, algae, animal cells, or plant cells. Special considerations are required for the specific organisms used in the fermentation, such as the dissolved oxygen level, nutrient levels, and temperature.
Products of microbial fermentation : Importantly, the major end products of microbial digestion of cellulose and other carbohydrates are volatile fatty acids, lactic acid, methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Fermentation is thus the major source of intestinal gas.
Bio based green economy have low toxicity,biodegradablity and ecological acceptablity. It has been found that they have reduced the production cost and proved to be more functional than hydrocarbon therefore it is more prefered or is shifted to bio based green economy from hydrocarbon economy.
The bio-based economy relies on sustainable, plant-derived resources for fuels, chemicals, materials, food and feed rather than on the evanescent usage of fossil resources. The cornerstone of this economy is the biorefinery, in which renewable resources are intelligently converted to a plethora of products, maximizing the valorization of the feedstocks.Cellulose is a major polysaccharide of the cell wall, and this linear polymer of β-1,4-linked glucose units is considered to be the world’s most abundant biopolymer. Glucose is an ideal carbon source to feed the bio-based economy, since it is easily converted by microorganisms and enzymes into ethanol and a variety of chemical compounds. In a sustainable production process, the remaining biomass is subsequently concentrated and processed to biogas by anaerobic digestion after which the residual waste fractions are converted into bio-oil or biochar by pyrolysis
Types of sparger and its uses: Among different types of sparger used one type is the long porous injectors, it is a line of porous metal seamless injector which creates bubbles smaller and more numerous than any other type of spargers. Greater gas/liquid contact area, time&volume required to dissolve gas into liquid is reduced. Most important factor when injecting gas into liquid is to increase the surface area of the gas to ensure fast absorption into the liquid. This is accomplished by reducing bubble size, creates slow moving tiny bubbles that results in large increase in absorption.
A bioreactor is a container/vessel which is used to hold organisms for the purpose of carrying out various biochemical processes.
What is a fermenter?
A fermenter is a container/vessel which is used to hold microorganisms for the purpose of carrying out fermentation.
Difference between a bioreactor and a fermenter:
The main difference between a bioreactor and a fermenter is that a bioreactor is a vessel that facilitates various types of biochemical reactions while a fermenter is a vessel that facilitates fermentation.
Main regulatory/controlling systems of a fermenter:
(1) Temperature regulatory system
(2)Aeration system
(3)Agitation system
(4)pH regulatory system
(5)Dissolved oxygen control system
(6)Foam control
(7)Other parts of a fermenter:
Feeding pumps are provided for addition or removal of substances. Aseptic inoculation pipe, stirrer shaft seal, sampling port etc are also there in the fermenter apart from major controlling systems.
What is a bioreactor? A bioreactor is a container/vessel which is used to hold organisms for the purpose of carrying out various biochemical processes. What is a fermenter? A fermenter is a container/vessel which is used to hold microorganisms for the purpose of carrying out fermentation. Difference between a bioreactor and a fermenter: The main difference between a bioreactor and a fermenter is that a bioreactor is a vessel that facilitates various types of biochemical reactions while a fermenter is a vessel that facilitates fermentation. Hence, a fermenter is a type of bioreactor.
Main controlling systems of a fermenter: (1) Temperature regulatory system 2)Aeration system 3)Agitation system 4)pH regulatory system 5)Dissolved oxygen control system 6)Foam control 7)Other parts of a fermenter: Feeding pumps are provided for addition or removal of substances. Aseptic inoculation pipe, stirrer shaft seal, sampling port etc are also there in the fermenter apart from major controlling systems.
BASIC DESIGN OF A FERMENTER: A fermenter is basically cylindrical in shape and is made up of stainless steel. It can be of different sizes but the aspect ratio of length/diameter of a fermenter is always 3:1.
Media used for industrial fermentation : The media used for the growth of microorganisms in industrial fermentation must contain all the elements in a suitable form for the synthesis of cellular substances as well as the metabolic products. While designing a medium, several factors must be taken into consideration. The most important among them is the ultimate product desired in the fermentation. For growth-linked products (primary metabolites e.g. ethanol, citric acid), the product formations is directly dependent on the growth of the organisms, hence the medium should be such that it supports good growth. On the other hand, for products which are not directly linked to the growth (secondary metabolites e.g. antibiotics, alkaloids, gibberellins), the substrate requirements for product formation must also be considered.
In fermentations with strict aseptic requirements, it is important to select materials that can withstand repeated steam sterilization cycles.
On a small scale, it is possible to use glass or stainless steel.
Glass is useful, because it gives smooth surfaces, is non toxic, corrosion proof and it is usually easy to examine the interior of the vessel.
At pilot and large/industrial scale, fermenters are usually constructed of stainless steel or at least have a stainless steel coating to prevent corrosion.
What is Upstream processing? Upstream processing include selection of a microbial strain characterized by the ability to synthesize a specific product having the desired commercial value. This strain then is subjected to improvement protocols to maximize the ability of the strain to synthesize economical amounts of the product. Included in the upstream phase is the fermentation process itself which usually is carried out in large tanks known as fermenters or bioreactors. In addition to mechanical parts which provide proper conditions inside the tank such as aeration, cooling, agitation, etc., the tank is usually also equipped with complex sets of monitors and control devices in order to run the microbial growth and product synthesis under optimized conditions. One of the most commonly used fermenter types is the stirred-tank fermenter which utilizes mechanical agitation principles, mainly using radial-flow impellers, during the fermentation process.
What is downstream processing? Downstream processing, the various stages that follow the fermentation process, involves suitable techniques and methods for recovery, purification, and characterization of the desired fermentation product. A vast array of methods for downstream processing, such as centrifugation, filtration, and chromatography, may be applied. These methods vary according to the chemical and physical nature, as well as the desired grade, of the final product.
What is downstream processing? Downstream processing, the various stages that follow the fermentation process, involves suitable techniques and methods for recovery, purification, and characterization of the desired fermentation product. A vast array of methods for downstream processing, such as centrifugation, filtration, and chromatography, may be applied. These methods vary according to the chemical and physical nature, as well as the desired grade, of the final product.
What is a bioreactor? Bioreactor is a vessel which holds micro organisms in order to carry out biochemical reactions. What is a fermentor? Fermentor is a vessel which holds micro organisms in order to carry out fermentation process.
Question:-What is Flow Injection Analysis(FIA)? Answers:-FIA is an automated method of chemical analysis in which a sample is injected into a flowing carrier solution that mixes with reagents before reaching a detector. Over past 30 years, FIA techniques developed into a wide array of applications using spectrophotometry, fluorescence spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and other methods of instrumental analysis for detection. Automated sample processing, high repeatability, adaptability to micro-miniaturization, containment of chemicals, waste reduction, and reagent economy in a system that operates at microliter levels are all valuable assets that contribute to the application of flow injection to real-world assays. The main assets of flow injection are the well defined concentration gradient that forms when an analyte is injected into the reagent stream (which offers an infinite number of well-reproduced analyte/reagent ratios) and the exact timing of fluidic manipulations.
QUE :- what is bioreactor? ANS:- A fermentation vat for the production of living organisms, as bacteria or yeast, used in industrial processes such as waste recycling or in the manufacture of drugs or other products.
Biosensors can be classified according to transducers employed. The transducer are of different types: 1.Electrochemical 2.Optical 3.Piezoelectric 4.Microbial biosensor 5.Enzyme biosensor 6.Calorimetric
Biosensors are analytical devices that convert a biological response into an electrical signal. Biosensors are used for the detection of pathogens in food.Presence of E.coli in vegetables is an indicator of faecal contamination in food.E.coli has been measured by detecting variation in pH caused by ammonia using potentiometric alternating biosensing system.
Enzymatic biosensors are employed in the dairy industry. Enzymes are immobilized on electrodes by engulfment in a photocrosslinkable polymer.The automated flow-based biosensor could quantify the three organophosphate pesticidies in milk.
A biotransducer is the recognition-transduction component of a biosensor system.It consist of two intimately coupled parts;a bio-recognition layer & a physicochemical transducer,which acting together converts a biochemical signal to an electronic or optical signal.
Biosensor consist of (1) biological component for sensing the presence & concentration of substance (2) a transducer .The sample is allowed to pass through a membrane so that selection may be exercised & the interfering molecules are retained outside the membrane.The sample then interacts with biological sensor & forms a product, which may be an electric current/charge,heat,gas or suitable chemical.The product then passes through the another membrane & reaches the transducer.The transducer converts a biorecognition event into a measurable signal that correlates with the quantity or presence of chemical or biological target. Amplifier and detector also plays a major role. (19MMB 028)
A good bioreactor design should address improved productivity, validation of desired parameters towards obtaining consistent & higher quality products in a cost effective manner.The effective bioreactor is to control & positively influence the biological reaction & must prevent foreign contamination. During the fermentation, monoseptic conditions, optimal mixing with low, uniform shear rates should be maintained throughout the process.A culture can be aerated by one, or a combination, of the following methods: surface aeration, direct sparging, indirect & membrane aeration, medium perfusion, increasing the partial pressure of oxygen & increasing the atmospheric pressure. The basic features of bioreactor include headspace volume,agitator system, oxygen delivery system, foam control, temperature & pH control system, sampling ports, cleaning & sterilisation system & lines of charging emptying the reactor.
What is an Ideal Biosensor? It is to apply such a biological detection element in a configuration that gives a rapid automatic output without sample processing.(not always achieved)
Weakness of biological sensing element- They are relatively heat labile and not stable at high temperatures or by other sterilizing agents. They are unsuitable for in- dwelling probes inside the bioreactor,unless separated from the fermentation broth by a cell impermeable membrane. -They become denatured to some degree over time under normal reaction conditions,so their performance must be monitored. And must be replaced on a regular basis.
What is flow injection analysis(FIA)? This refers to automatic abstraction of samples from the test system and their injection into a flow of a carrier liquid, which is constantly passed through the detection element.
Transduction depends on the type of signal generated by the biological recognition element. Main types of transducers are- 1)Electrical- Potentiometric, amperometeric,conductimetric, capacitative) 2) Optical- based on absorbance,fluorescence,luminescence,or surface plasmon resonance(SPR). 3)thermal- Calorimetric 4) mechanical- piezoelectric.
Q. Who discovered biosensor? Ans. The first 'true' biosensor was developed by Leland C. Clark, Jr in 1956 for oxygen detection. He is known as the 'father of biosensors' and his invention of the oxygen electrode bears his name: 'Clark electrode
Que.About biosensors and it components. Ans.A biosensor is a device that measures biological or chemical reactions by generating signals proportional to the concentration of an analyte in the reaction. Biosensors are employed in applications such as disease monitoring, drug discovery, and detection of pollutants, disease-causing micro-organisms and markers that are indicators of a disease in bodily fluids (blood, urine, saliva, sweat). it consists of the following components.
Analyte: A substance of interest that needs detection. For instance, glucose is an ‘analyte’ in a biosensor designed to detect glucose.
Bioreceptor: A molecule that specifically recognises the analyte is known as a bioreceptor. Enzymes, cells, aptamers, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and antibodies are some examples of bioreceptors. The process of signal generation (in the form of light, heat, pH, charge or mass change, etc.) upon interaction of the bioreceptor with the analyte is termed bio-recognition.
Transducer: The transducer is an element that converts one form of energy into another. In a biosensor the role of the transducer is to convert the bio-recognition event into a measurable signal. This process of energy conversion is known as signalisation. Most transducers produce either optical or electrical signals that are usually proportional to the amount of analyte–bioreceptor interactions.
Electronics: This is the part of a biosensor that processes the transduced signal and prepares it for display. It consists of complex electronic circuitry that performs signal conditioning such as amplification and conversion of signals from analogue into the digital form. The processed signals are then quantified by the display unit of the biosensor.
Display: The display consists of a user interpretation system such as the liquid crystal display of a computer or a direct printer that generates numbers or curves understandable by the user. This part often consists of a combination of hardware and software that generates results of the biosensor in a user-friendly manner. The output signal on the display can be numeric, graphic, tabular or an image, depending on the requirements of the end user.
Q. what are different types of sensors? Ans. All types of sensors can be basically classified into analog sensors and digital sensors. But, there are a few types of sensors- 1 Temperature Sensor 2 IR Sensor 3 Ultrasonic Sensor 4 Touch Sensor 5 Proximity Sensors 6 Pressure sensor
The improvement in any strain is the target to improve the desired metabolic or commercial product, using simple and inexpensive carbon and nitrogen sources and reduction in unwanted cometabolites. The use of conventional and molecular tools to manipulate for augmenting the metabolic potential for commercial purposes is known as strain improvement. Strain improvement is important to enhance the commercial product and also to reduce the cost economy. The success of any industry employing microbes is dependent on the potential and ability of strains to perform better and better, which is achieved by continuous improvement strain improvement involve construction of new hybrids with enhanced traits for fermentation.
Que.Hitorical background of biosensor. Ans. history of biosensors dates back to as early as 1906 when M. Cremer demonstrated that the concentration of an acid in a liquid is proportional to the electric potential that arises between parts of the fluid located on opposite sides of a glass membrane. However, it was only in 1909 that the concept of pH (hydrogen ion concentration) was introduced by Søren Peder Lauritz Sørensen and an electrode for pH measurements was realised in the year 1922 by W.S. Hughes . Between 1909 and 1922, Griffin and Nelson first demonstrated immobilisation of the enzyme invertase on aluminium hydroxide and charcoal. The first ‘true’ biosensor was developed by Leland C. Clark, Jr in 1956 for oxygen detection. He is known as the ‘father of biosensors’ and his invention of the oxygen electrode bears his name: ‘Clark electrode’. The demonstration of an amperometric enzyme electrode for the detection of glucose by Leland Clark in 1962 was followed by the discovery of the first potentiometric biosensor to detect urea in 1969 by Guilbault and Montalvo. Eventually in 1975 the first commercial biosensor was developed by Yellow Spring Instruments (YSI). Ever since the development of the i-STAT sensor, remarkable progress has been achieved in the field of biosensors. The field is now a multidisciplinary area of research that bridges the principles of basic sciences (physics, chemistry and biology) with fundamentals of micro/nano-technology, electronics and applicatory medicine.
Piezoelectric biosensors utilise crystals which undergo an electric deformation when an electrical potential is applied to them. An AC potential produces a standing wave in the crystal at a characteristic frequency. This frequency is highly dependent on the elastic properties of the crystal, such that if a crystal is coated with a biological recognition element the binding of a large target analyte to a receptor will produce a change in the resonance frequency, which gives a binding signal. In a mode that uses surface acoustic waves, the sensitivity is greatly increased.
• Nanoelectric Biosensor Nanoelectric biosensor relay on the conductive properties of its material composition and their ability to send electric signals to a remote device .To ensure efficiency of nanosensor ,nanowires with high conductivity are used.However researcheresin bioengineering and nanotechnology are striving to develope new nanoelectric biosensors composed of variety of matetial alternatively. Nanoelectric biosensors are administrated by doctors to patients who are risk for a particular disease.The sensor then relay signal and health status signal based on cellular activity.In doing so physician will able to monitor wital signal and symptom which allow them to gain in depth knowledge about the disease progression .Physician also able to identify the location of disease or malignant cell growth. (19MMB 028) ability
Different types of sensors? few types of sensors are as follows : 1 Temperature Sensor 2 IR Sensor 3 Ultrasonic Sensor 4 Touch Sensor 5 Proximity Sensors 6 Pressure sensor
Who discovered biosensor? Ans. The first biosensor was developed by Leland C. Clark, Jr in 1956 for oxygen detection. He is known as the 'father of biosensor'.
What is flow injection analysis(FIA)? FIA refers to automatic abstraction of samples from the test system and their injection into a flow of a carrier liquid, which is constantly passed through the detection element.
A biosensor is an analytical device containing an immobilized biological material (enzyme, antibody, nucleic acid, hormone, organelle or whole cell) which can specifically interact with an analyte and produce physical, chemical or electrical signals that can be measured.
What is an analyte?
An analyte is a compound (e.g. glucose, urea, drug, pesticide) whose concentration has to be measured.
Use of biosensors:
Biosensors basically involve the quantitative analysis of various substances by converting their biological actions into measurable signals.
General features of a biosensor:
A biosensor has two distinct components:
1. Biological component—enzyme, cell etc.
2. Physical component—transducer, amplifier etc.
The biological component recognises and interacts with the analyte to produce a physical change (a signal) that can be detected, by the transducer.
In practice, the biological material is appropriately immobilized on to the transducer and the so prepared biosensors can be repeatedly used several times (may be around 10,000 times) for a long period (many months).
The desired biological material (usually a specific enzyme) is immobilized by conventional methods (physical or membrane entrapment, non- covalent or covalent binding).
This immobilized biological material is in intimate contact with the transducer.
The analyte binds to the biological material to form a bound analyte which in turn produces the electronic response that can be measured.
In some instances, the analyte is converted to a product which may be associated with the release of heat, gas (oxygen), electrons or hydrogen ions.
The transducer can convert the product linked changes into electrical signals which can be amplified and measured.
Use of computer in fermentor for process monitoring:
Computer technology has produced a remarkable impact in fermentation work in recent years and the computers are used to model fermentation processes in industrial fermentors.
Integration of computers into fermentation systems is based on the computers capacity for process monitoring, data acquisition, data storage, and error-detection.
Some typical, on-line data analysis functions include the acquisition measurements, verification of data, filtering, unit conversion, calculations of indirect measurements, differential integration calculations of estimated variables, data reduction, tabulation of results, graphical presentation of results, process stimulation and storage of data.
The media used in industrial fermentation is generally rich in proteins.
When agitated during aeration, it invariably results in froth or foam formation that builds in head space of the bioreactor.
Antifoam chemicals are used to lower surface tension of the medium, besides causing foam bubbles to collapse.
Mineral oils based on silicone or vegetable oils are commonly used as antifoam agents.
Mechanical foam control devices, referred to as mechanical foam breakers, can also be used. Such devices, fitted at the top of the bioreactor break the foam bubbles and the throw back into the fermentation medium.
(ii) Aeration (aerobic fermentors); for O2 supply,
(iii) Regulation of factors like temperature, pH, pressure, aeration, nutrient feeding, liquid level etc.,
(iv) Sterilization and maintenance of sterility, and
(v) Withdrawal of cells/medium (for continuous fermentors).
Modern fermentors are usually integrated with computers for efficient process monitoring, data acquisition, etc.
Generally, 20-25% of fermentor volume is left unfilled with medium as “head space” to allow for splashing, foaming and aeration.
The fermentor design varies greatly depending on the type and the fermentation for which it is used.
Bioreactors are so designed that they provide the best possible growth and biosynthesis for industrially important cultures and allow ease of manipulation for all operations.
The improved strains should possess the following characteristics (as many as possible) to finally result in high product formation:
1. Shorter time of fermentation
2. Capable of metabolizing low-cost substrates
3. Reduced O2 demand
4. Decreased foam formation
5. Non-production of undesirable compounds
6. Tolerance to high concentrations of carbon or nitrogen sources
7. Resistant to infections of bacteriophages.
It is always preferable to have improved strains of microorganisms which can produce one metabolite as the main product.
In this way, the production can be maximised, and its recovery becomes simpler.
Through genetic manipulations, it has been possible to develop strains for the production of modified or new metabolites which are of commercial value e.g. modified or newer antibiotics.
The major limitation of strain improvement is that for most of the industrially important microorganisms, there is lack of detailed information on the genetics, and molecular biology. This hinders the new strain development.
Strain improvement is a technology of manipulating and improving microbial strains in order to enhance metabolic capabilities.
The directed improvement of product, formation or cellular properties through modifications of specific biochemical pathways or by introduction of new pathways using recombinant DNA technology.
The five stages are: (1) Solid-Liquid Separation (2) Release of Intracellular Products (3) Concentration (4) Purification by Chromatography and (5) Formulation.
Some examples of the fields that use biosensor technology include: General healthcare monitoring Screening for disease Clinical analysis and diagnosis of disease Veterinary and agricultural applications Industrial processing and monitoring Environmental pollution control
What is a biosensor? A biosensor is an analytical device containing an immobilized biological material (enzyme, antibody, nucleic acid, hormone, organelle or whole cell) which can specifically interact with an analyte and produce physical, chemical or electrical signals that can be measured.
What is industrial automation? Industrial automation is the use of control systems, such as computers or robots, and information technologies for handling different processes and machineries in an industry to replace a human being. It is the second step beyond mechanization in the scope of industrialization.
Advantages of Industrial Automation Lower operating cost: Industrial automation eliminates healthcare costs and paid leave and holidays associated with a human operator. Further, industrial automation does not require other employee benefits such as bonuses, pension coverage etc. Above all, although it is associated with a high initial cost it saves the monthly wages of the workers which leads to substantial cost savings for the company. The maintenance cost associated with machinery used for industrial automation is less because it does not often fail. If it fails, only computer and maintenance engineers are required to repair it.
High productivity Although many companies hire hundreds of production workers for a up to three shifts to run the plant for the maximum number of hours, the plant still needs to be closed for maintenance and holidays. Industrial automation fulfills the aim of the company by allowing the company to run a manufacturing plant for 24 hours in a day 7 days in a week and 365 days a year. This leads to a significant improvement in the productivity of the company.
High Quality Automation alleviates the error associated with a human being. Further, unlike human beings, robots do not involve any fatigue, which results in products with uniform quality manufactured at different times.
High flexibility Adding a new task in the assembly line requires training with a human operator, however, robots can be programmed to do any task. This makes the manufacturing process more flexible.
High Information Accuracy Adding automated data collection, can allow you to collect key production information, improve data accuracy, and reduce your data collection costs. This provides you with the facts to make the right decisions when it comes to reducing waste and improving your processes.
High safety Industrial automation can make the production line safe for the employees by deploying robots to handle hazardous conditions.
Disadvantages of Industrial Automation High Initial cost The initial investment associated with the making the switch from a human production line to an automatic production line is very high. Also, substantial costs are involved in training employees to handle this new sophisticated equipment.
The media that is used in industrial fermentation is rich in proteins, during aeration,it results in foam formation. Antifoam chemicals are used to lower surface tension of the medium causing foam bubbles to collapse. Mineral oils are commonly used as antifoam agents. Mechanical foam control devices are also used. Such devices are fitted at the top of the bioreactor that break the foam bubbles .
history of biosensors dates back to as early as 1906 when M. Cremer demonstrated that the concentration of an acid in a liquid is proportional to the electric potential that arises between parts of the fluid located on opposite sides of a glass membrane. However, it was only in 1909 that the concept of pH (hydrogen ion concentration) was introduced by Søren Peder Lauritz Sørensen and an electrode for pH measurements was realised in the year 1922 by W.S. Hughes . Between 1909 and 1922, Griffin and Nelson first demonstrated immobilisation of the enzyme invertase on aluminium hydroxide and charcoal. The first ‘true’ biosensor was developed by Leland C. Clark, Jr in 1956 for oxygen detection. He is known as the ‘father of biosensors’ and his invention of the oxygen electrode bears his name: ‘Clark electrode’. The demonstration of an amperometric enzyme electrode for the detection of glucose by Leland Clark in 1962 was followed by the discovery of the first potentiometric biosensor to detect urea in 1969 by Guilbault and Montalvo. Eventually in 1975 the first commercial biosensor was developed by Yellow Spring Instruments (YSI). Ever since the development of the i-STAT sensor, remarkable progress has been achieved in the field of biosensors. The field is now a multidisciplinary area of research that bridges the principles of basic sciences (physics, chemistry and biology) with fundamentals of micro/nano-technology, electronics and applicatory medicine
Main Components of a Biosensor The block diagram of the biosensor includes three segments namely, sensor, transducer, and associated electrons. In the first segment, the sensor is a responsive biological part, the second segment is the detector part that changes the resulting signal from the contact of the analyte and for the results it displays in an accessible way. The final section comprises of an amplifier which is known as signal conditioning circuit, a display unit as well as the processor.
Working Principle of Biosensors Usually, a specific enzyme or preferred biological material is deactivated by some of the usual methods, and the deactivated biological material is in near contact to the transducer. The analyte connects to the biological object to shape a clear analyte which in turn gives the electronic reaction that can be calculated. In some examples, the analyte is changed to a device which may be connected to the discharge of gas, heat, electron ions or hydrogen ions. In this, the transducer can alter the device linked converts into electrical signals which can be changed and calculated.
Working of Biosensors The electrical signal of the transducer is frequently low and overlay upon a fairly high baseline. Generally, the signal processing includes deducting a position baseline signal, obtained from a related transducer without any biocatalyst covering.
The comparatively slow character of the biosensor reaction significantly eases the electrical noise filtration issue. In this stage, the direct output will be an analog signal however it is altered into digital form and accepted to a microprocessor phase where the information is progressed, influenced to preferred units and o/p to a data store.
Generation of biosensor : There are three generations of biosensors available in the market. In the First type of biosensor, the reaction of the product disperses to the sensor and causes the electrical reaction. In the second type, the sensor involves in particular mediators between the sensor and the response in order to produce a better response. In the third type, the response itself causes the reaction and no mediator is straightly involved.
Culturing your own vegetables through the techniques of Fermentation
Whether you use veggies from your garden or buy fresh organic vegetables in season, preserving them with lacto-fermentation provides your family with nourishing, delicious and safe food well beyond the harvest season. When you make sauerkraut or a combination of cultured vegetables, why take chances on the results? Starter cultures used for dairy foods are not suitable for vegetables. For consistently successful results, useCaldwell’s Starter Culture, which contains the correct strains of bacteria specific to fermenting vegetables, in the right proportions. And if you don’t have time to ferment your own veggies, or the patience to wait till they’re ready, just choose from our range of Caldwell's delicious ready-to-eatfermented vegetables.
Nutritional benefits We all know that vegetables are good for our health. Fresh raw produce is abundant during the harvesting season, and is full of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Fermenting vegetables not only increases the nutrients, but also provides live enzymes and beneficial friendly bacteria.The health benefits of these probiotic bacteria are far-reaching: • They help the digestion process by regulating the level of acidity through stimulating the production of beneficial intestinal flora. • They generate antioxidant molecules. • They have a soothing effect on the nervous system • They provide a natural barrier and protect our bodies from invaders such as parasites, fungi, viruses, toxins and harmful bacteria.
Although the process of lacto-fermentation has been used safely for thousands of years, there are some challenges. Various factors can affect not only the quality (taste and texture), but also the consistency and safety of the final product:
• Freshness and quality of the vegetables • Fermentation time • Temperature • Salt quality, content and quantity • Secondary fermentation (after the product is packaged) causing swelling and ‘fizziness’.
However, when the fermenting process is controlled correctly, the raw cultured veggies are stable and safe, and can be kept in cold storage for a long time.
Preserving Tradition with Science Nature and science can sometimes combine to provide a good solution. Researchers at the Food Research and Development Centre (FRDC) of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada have studied the complex workings of traditional fermentation. The research found that an important requirement is to use a mixed-strain starter culture that contains theappropriate bacterial strains for vegetable fermentation – and in the correct proportions.
Industrial fermentation process There are three main stages of industrial fermentation process:- 1. Upstream processing 2. Fermentation 3. Downstream processing Upstream Processing refers to the first step in which biomolecules are grown, usually by bacterial or mammalian cell lines, in bioreactors. When they reach the desired density (for batch and fed batch cultures) they are harvested.
Industrial fermentation is to produce highest quality and quantity of a particular product by combining the works of different disciplines such as microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, chemistry, chemical and bioprocess engineering, mathematics, and computer science. Industrial fermentation is used in many industries, including microbiology, food, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and chemical. Besides it is performed in large scale fermenters often as several thousand liters in volume.
Downstream processing of biochemical products requires recovery from a complex mixture of molecules, impurities and contaminants by making use of dedicated unit operations. Stages of downstream process:- Removal of Insolubles Product isolation Product Purification Product Polishing To markets.
Challenges faced during Fermentation : Various factors can affect not only the quality (taste and texture), but also the consistency and safety of the final product that mainly includes, • Freshness and quality of the vegetables • Fermentation time • Temperature • Salt quality, content and quantity • Secondary fermentation (after the product is packaged) causing swelling and ‘fizziness
PRODUCT AND SUBSTRATE CONCENTRATIONS = when the product of fermentation is a polymer,continued excertion is batch culutre rasies the broth viscosity.cell concentration usually has a negligible effect on overall viscosity in these fermentations,the rheological properties of the fluid are dominated by the dissolved polymer. In cotrast,when the fermentation progresses and the polymer is broken down.There could also be progressive change from non-newtonian to newtonian behaviour.
Mixing is physical operation which reduces non-uniformities in fluids bt eliminating gradients of concentration,temp and other properties. Mixing is accomplished by interchanging material between differnt locations to produce a mingling of components.If a system is perfectly mixed,there is a random homogeneous distribution of system properties.Mixing is one of the most important in bioprocess.Mixing involves: 1. blending soluble component of the medium such as sugars 2. dispersing gases such as air through the liquid in the form of small bubbles 3. maintaining suspension of solid particles such as cells 4. promoting heat trasfer to or from the liquid
The sparger,impeller and baffles determine the effectiveness of mixing and oxygen mass transfer in stirred biorector. Three types of sparger are commonly used in bioreactor: porous,orifice and nozzle. Porous sparger are used mainly in small scale application.,gas throughout is limited because the sparger poses a high resistance to flow.
Orifice spargers,also known as perforated pipes are constructed by making small holes in piping which is then fashioned into a ring.
Nozzle spargers are used in many agitated fermenters from laboratory to production scale.
Inocula for large scale fermentation are transferred from smaller reactrs,to prevent contamination during this operation,both vesseles are maintained under positive air pressure. The simple aseptic trasfer method is to pressurise the inoculum vessel using sterile air, culutre is then effectively blown into the larger fermenter.Sampling ports are fitted to fermenter to allow removal of broth for analysis.
In the airlift bioreactors, the medium of the vessel is divided into two interconnected zones by means of a baffle or draft tube.
In one of the two zones referred to a riser, the air/gas is pumped. The other zone that receives no gas is the down comer.
The dispersion flows up the riser zone while the down flow occurs in the down comer.
There are two types of airlift bioreactors.
Internal-loop airlift bioreactor has a single container with a central draft tube that creates interior liquid circulation channels.
These bioreactors are simple in design, with volume and circulation at a fixed rate for fermentation.
External loop airlift bioreactor possesses an external loop so that the liquid circulates through separate independent channels.
These reactors can be suitably modified to suit the requirements of different fermentations.
In general, the airlift bioreactors are more efficient than bubble columns, particularly for more denser suspensions of microorganisms.
This is mainly because in these bioreactors, the mixing of the contents is better compared to bubble columns.
Airlift bioreactors are commonly employed for aerobic bioprocessing technology.
They ensure a controlled liquid flow in a recycle system by pumping.
Due to high efficiency, airlift bioreactors are sometimes preferred e.g., methanol production, waste water treatment, single-cell protein production.
In general, the performance of the airlift bioreactors is dependent on the pumping (injection) of air and the liquid circulation.
Two-stage airlift bioreactors:
Two-stage airlift bioreactors are used for the temperature dependent formation of products. Growing cells from one bioreactor (maintained at temperature 30°C) are pumped into another bioreactor (at temperature 42°C).
There is a necessity for the two-stage airlift bioreactor, since it is very difficult to raise the temperature quickly from 30°C to 42°C in the same vessel.
Each one of the bioreactors is fitted with valves and they are connected by a transfer tube and pump .
The cells are grown in the first bioreactor and the bioprocess proper takes place in the second reactor.
Biosensors are now being applied for rapid diagnostics due to their capacity for point-of-care use with minimum need for operator input.
Antibody-based biosensors or immunosensors have revolutionized diagnostics for the detection of a plethora of analytes such as disease markers, food and environmental contaminants, biological warfare agents and illicit drugs. Antibodies are ideal biorecognition elements that provide sensors with high specificity and sensitivity.
Enzyme-based chemical biosensors are based on biological recognition. In order to operate, the enzymes must be available to catalyze a specific biochemical reaction and be stable under the normal operating conditions of the biosensor. Design of biosensors is based on knowledge about the target analyte, as well as the complexity of the matrix in which the analyte has to be quantified. Enzyme-based biosensors are subject to interference from chemicals present in the sample matrix. Interference is especially problematic in biological samples in particular, as there are often electrochemical interferences in the sample matrix [15], as well as small molecule metabolites, proteins, macromolecules and cells.Some pathological conditions, such as inflammation or tumors, could modify some fluid parameters chemical composition or pH, influencing the activities of the enzyme and, consequently, the biosensor performances. Matrix interference can often be overcome by pretreatments, such as extraction, pre-concentration, filtration and derivatization
What are biosensors? Biosensors are vertical analytical device used to measure or detect particular chemical substance. On its surface there is biological component.When analyte binds to this biological component it leads to various changes which are measured by transducer after amplified by amplifier.
Components of biosensors: It consists of the following components.
Analyte: A substance of interest that needs detection. For instance, glucose is an ‘analyte’ in a biosensor designed to detect glucose.
Bioreceptor: A molecule that specifically recognises the analyte is known as a bioreceptor. Enzymes, cells, aptamers, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and antibodies are some examples of bioreceptors. The process of signal generation (in the form of light, heat, pH, charge or mass change, etc.) upon interaction of the bioreceptor with the analyte is termed bio-recognition.
Transducer: The transducer is an element that converts one form of energy into another. In a biosensor the role of the transducer is to convert the bio-recognition event into a measurable signal. This process of energy conversion is known as signalisation. Most transducers produce either optical or electrical signals that are usually proportional to the amount of analyte–bioreceptor interactions.
Electronics: This is the part of a biosensor that processes the transduced signal and prepares it for display. It consists of complex electronic circuitry that performs signal conditioning such as amplification and conversion of signals from analogue into the digital form. The processed signals are then quantified by the display unit of the biosensor.
Display: The display consists of a user interpretation system such as the liquid crystal display of a computer or a direct printer that generates numbers or curves understandable by the user. This part often consists of a combination of hardware and software that generates results of the biosensor in a user-friendly manner. The output signal on the display can be numeric, graphic, tabular or an image, depending on the requirements of the end user.
In Industry there is more use of Batch fermentation than Continuous fermentation.Why so? Batch fermentation is easy to set up and run than continuous fermentation. In continuous Fermentation it requires sophisticated instrumentation. Batch fermentation is more suitable for the production of secondary metabolites (ex. Antibiotics). Batch Fermentation, Less initial investment required and Labour demand is also less. In Batch Fermentation, after fermentation is over, the residues are taken out from the fermentation tank, and vessel is then cleaned and sterile before next batch of fermentation so that Chance of contamination is less than continuous fermentation. And easy and quick control methods.
What is metabolic flux? Metabolic flux is the passage of a metabolite through a reaction system over time, and flux analysis is the combination of time-course methodologies in metabolomics and computational modeling of pathways.
1)Accuracy:It should give the value which is most near value to the correct answer. 2)Precision:It should give same results again and again. 3)Specificity:It should be able to detect the specific analyte without getting confused by other analytes.More is the specificity, the chances of false negative results decreases. 4)Sensitivity: Biosensor should have capacity to detect the lowest concentration of analyte. Lower the sensitivity the chance of false positive results increases. 5)Rapid:It should give rapid results 6) Reproducibility and replicability 7) No sample processing should be required. 8)No biofilm formation should be there. 9)No time lag should be there.
What is FIA(Flow Injection Analysis)? Flow injection analysis (FIA) is an automated methodology in which the samples are dipped at regular intervals into a flowing stream of solvent or reagent and are subsequently measured potentiometrically or by other types of detection.In flow injection analysis, it is possible to inject the reagent into a continuously flowing sample stream.
•Flash cooler Marriott walker flash coolers are used by many processes to cool a wide range of hot liquid food product in a prompt and efficient manner . A flash cooler cools liquid products by admitting them into vaccume vessel,operating at temperature lower than the liquid to be cooled. The hot liquid flashes in the water and promptly and cools to the vessel's operating temperature thtough the evaporation of water from the hot liquid product. Flash cooler can be arranged in single or multi stage configuration and two different design are used,depending on the liquid product viscocity. Many liquid product such as barbeque sauce,salad dressings and condensed dairy products can quickly and efficiently flash cooled when needed. (19 MMB 028)
•Super heating known as boiling retardation or boiling delay is the phenomenon in which liquid is heated to a temperature higher than its boiling point ,without boiling.This is called metastable or metastate where boiling might occur at any time induced by external or internal effect. Superheating is achieved by heating homogenous substance in clean cintainer,free of nucleation site. (19MMB 028)
What is Del factor? -Deindoerfer and Humphery used the term as a design criterion for the sterilization which has been called as DEL Factor or NABLA factor. Del factor is a measure of fractional reduction of viable organism count produced by a certain heat and time regime.
Del Factor:- Del Factor is defined as an estimate of relative reduction in number of living cells with respect to their initial number. According to Deindoerfer and Humphrey in 1959, this term is used as a design criterion for sterilization, which has been variously called Del factor, Nabla factor and sterilization criterion represented by the term ∇. The Del factor gives idea about fractional reduction in viable organism count produced by a definite heat in particular time.
Q-How does vaccum cooling works? -An airtight chamber is maintained by removing air from the inside of the chamber using a vacuum pump. The products to be cooled are kept in that airtight chamber. As the pressure is reduced the boiling point of water reduces and water starts to evaporate, taking the heat from the product.This is how it works.
What is Del factor? Deindoerfer and Humphery used the term ln (Nt / N0) as a design criterion for the sterilization which has been called as DEL Factor or NABLA factor. Del factor is a measure of fractional reduction of viable organism count produced by a certain heat and time regime. ∇ = A.t. e –E/Rt
types of sparger: The sparger,impeller and baffles determine the effectiveness of mixing and oxygen mass transfer in stirred biorector. Three types of sparger are commonly used in bioreactor: porous,orifice and nozzle. Porous sparger are used mainly in small scale application.,gas throughout is limited because the sparger poses a high resistance to flow. Orifice spargers,also known as perforated pipes are constructed by making small holes in piping which is then fashioned into a ring. Nozzle spargers are used in many agitated fermenters from laboratory to production scale.
PRODUCT AND SUBSTRATE CONCENTRATIONS = when the product of fermentation is a polymer,continued excertion is batch culutre rasies the broth viscosity.cell concentration usually has a negligible effect on overall viscosity in these fermentations,the rheological properties of the fluid are dominated by the dissolved polymer. In cotrast,when the fermentation progresses and the polymer is broken down.There could also be progressive change from non-newtonian to newtonian behaviour.
What is Del factor? -design criterion for the sterilization which has been called as DEL Factor or NABLA factor. Del factor is a measure of fractional reduction of viable organism count produced by a certain heat and time regime.
Important of mixing in bioprecess: Mixing is physical operation which reduces non-uniformities in fluids bt eliminating gradients of concentration,temp and other properties. Mixing is accomplished by interchanging material between differnt locations to produce a mingling of components.If a system is perfectly mixed,there is a random homogeneous distribution of system properties.Mixing is one of the most important in bioprocess.Mixing involves: 1. blending soluble component of the medium such as sugars 2. dispersing gases such as air through the liquid in the form of small bubbles 3. maintaining suspension of solid particles such as cells 4. promoting heat trasfer to or from the liquid
QUESTION:What is rheology?
ReplyDeleteRheology is concerned with the time-dependent deformation of bodies under the influence of applied stresses, both the magnitude and rate, whether the bodies be solid, liquid or gaseous.
QUESTION:What is Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid?
ReplyDeleteNewtonian fluid: A Newtonian fluid's viscosity remains constant, no matter the amount of shear applied for a constant temperature.These fluids have a linear relationship between viscosity and shear stress.
Examples:Water, Mineral oil, Gasoline, Alcohol.
non-Newtonian fluids: non-Newtonian fluids are the opposite of Newtonian fluids. When shear is applied to non-Newtonian fluids, the viscosity of the fluid changes. The behavior of the fluid can be described one of four ways:
Dilatant - Viscosity of the fluid increases when shear is applied. Examples: Quicks, Cornflour and water, Silly putty.
Pseudoplastic - Pseudoplastic is the opposite of dilatant; the more shear applied, the less viscous it becomes.
Rheopectic - Rheopectic is very similar to dilatant in that when shear is applied, viscosity increases. The difference here, is that viscosity increase is time-dependent.
Example:Gypsum paste,Cream.
Thixotropic - Fluids with thixotropic properties decrease in viscosity when shear is applied. This is a time dependent property as well.
Examples:Paint, Cosmetics, Asphalt,Glue.
QUESTION:Newton's which law is obeyed by Newtonian fluid?
ReplyDeleteNewtonian fluids obey Newton's law of viscosity.
Newton's viscosity law's states that, the shear stress between adjacent fluid layers is proportional to the velocity gradients between the two layers.
Q) What is Rheology?
ReplyDelete>> Rheology is defined as the science of deformation and flow of matter. Rheology is applicable to all types of materials from gases to solids. Rheology is used in food science to define the consistency of different products. It is described by two components the Viscosity & Elasticity.
>>The individual components of the medium can influence the viscosity of the final medium and its subsequent behaviour with respect to aeration and agitation.
>> In 1960 WEST & DEINDOERFER reported that there can be considerable variation in the viscosity of compounds that may be included in fermentation media.
QUESTION: World's largest working Fermentor?
ReplyDeleteThe F1400 is the world's largest vinegar fermentor it holds 1,40,000 litres (140 cubic meter) and delivers more than 25 million litre of vinegar per year.
Q. Who invented bioreactor?
ReplyDeleteAns. De Beeze and Liebmann in 1944 used the first large scale (above 20 litre capacity) fermentor for the production of yeast. But it was during the first world war, a British scientist named Chain Weizmann (1914-1918) developed a fermentor for the production of acetone.
Q. What are the types of bioreactor?
ReplyDeleteAns. The six types are:
(1) Continuous Stirred Tank Bioreactors
(2) Bubble Column Bioreactors
(3) Airlift Bioreactors
(4) Fluidized Bed Bioreactors
(5) Packed Bed Bioreactors and
(6) Photo-Bioreactors.
Q. What are bioreactor made up of?
ReplyDeleteAns. It's a cylindrical vessel made up of stainless steel.
Que: Who summerize newtonian and non newtonian fermentation?
ReplyDeleteAns: Hubbard summerizes the procedure for newtonian and non newtonian fermentations.They also proposed two methods to determine large scale condition : determine volumetric air flow and calculation of agitator speed.
(19MMB 028)
What is Pseudo-plastic and Plastic fluids?
ReplyDelete1. Pseudo-plastic fluids are also referred to as shear-thinning fluids. The viscosity of these fluids will decrease with increasing shear rate. pseudo-plastic fluids are polymer solutions and similar solutions of high molecular weight substances. At low shear rates, these liquids will experience the formation of shear stress. The shear stress results in the reordering of the molecules in order to reduce the overall stress. This induction of a higher degree of order in the fluid reduces the shear stress and leads to the observed nonproportionality between the shear rate and the shear force.
2.Plastic fluids
Plastic fluids were first recognized by Bingham (1922), and are therefore referred to as Bingham plastics, or Bingham bodies.
it is a fluid in which the shear force is not proportional to the shear rate (non-Newtonian) and that requires a finite shear stress to start and maintain flow.
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ReplyDeleteWhich law of Newton is followed by Newtonian's fluid?
ReplyDeleteNewtonian's fluid obey Newton's law of viscosity. The law states that the shear stress between two adjacent fluid layers is proportional to velocity gradients between two layers.
What are Pseudoplastics and Plastic fluids?
ReplyDeleteIn Rheology, pseudoplastics are also known as "shear thinning." It is the non-Newtonian behavior of fluids whose viscosity decreases under shear strain. It is usually defined as excluding time-dependent effects, such as thixotropy.
examples:blood,milk and quicksand
Plastic fluids are also called as Bingham plastic behind the name of the person who proposed its mathematical form: Eugene Bingham. It is a viscoplastic material that behaves as a rigid body at low stresses but flows as a viscous fluid at high stress.
It is used as a common mathematical model of mudflow in drilling engineering, and in the handling of slurries. A common example is toothpaste,which will not be extruded until a certain pressure is applied to the tube. It is then pushed out as a solid plug.
Who invented first bioreactor?
ReplyDeleteFirst large scale bioreactor was used by De Beeze and Liebmann in 1944 for yeast production. But first bioreactor was developed by Chain Weizmann for acetone production between 1914-1918.
What is rheology?
ReplyDeleteRheology is the branch of physics which comprises the study of the flow of matter, mainly in a liquid state, but also as "soft solids" or solids under conditions in which they respond with plastic flow rather than deforming elastically in response to an applied force. Rheology is the science of deformation and flow within a material.
Which law of Newton is followed by Newtonian's fluid?
ReplyDeleteNewtonian's fluid obey Newton's law of viscosity. The law states that the shear stress between two adjacent fluid layers is proportional to velocity gradients between two layers.
About Rheology...
ReplyDeleteThe word rheology comes from the Greek word "rheos," translated to English as "stream," and it might remind some of the Spanish word "rio." This is important to understand the origin of the word because rheology is the study of the flow (like a stream or a river) and the subsequent deformation of matter as a result of flow. The rheological characteristics of materials directly affect the way that they should be handled and processed. Specifically, the rheological properties determine:
•How the material should be mixed
•What tools should be used to disperse the material
•The way that coatings settle,
•The material's shear rate, or the rate that the material can be deformed
•How the material flows into spaces.
Rheology has developed two classes of liquids: Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids.
Newtonian Fluids:
Newtonian fluids are those which follow Newton's hypothesis, and they are considered to be perfectly viscous. This is because the ratio between the shear rate and shear stress are constant, or in other words, the viscosity of the liquid remains constant at all possible shear rates for a given temperature. Pure water, oils, and organic solvents are all examples of Newtonian liquids. Because of their purity and the lack of dispersion, Newtonian fluids are much easier to measure. Unfortunately, however, they are not very common.
Non-Newtonian Fluids:
Most liquids are non-Newtonian fluids, meaning they do not have a constant ratio between their shear rate and shear stress. These fluids can be unpredictable in how their shear stress changes according to the shear rate: as the shear rate increases, the shear stress can either increase or decrease, depending on the fluid's own characteristics. As a result, the viscosity of the material is highly variable. Non-Newtonian fluids will have apparent viscosities that depend entirely on the specific experimental conditions, and when working with these materials, it is important to be completely clear as to what these parameters are.
Q-What is Rheology?(19MMB027)
ReplyDeleteAns- Rheology is the measurement and study of how materials flow. Primarily concerned with fluids ,viscosity plays a role in Rheology as it affects the flow of materials, but Rheology is the study of more than just a liquid's viscosity.
Difference between newtonian and non-newtonian law.
ReplyDelete-These fluids are termed non-Newtonian fluids. The viscosity of a non-Newtonian fluid will change due to agitation or pressure—technically known as shear stress. A shear stress will not affect the viscosity of a Newtonian fluid.
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ReplyDeleteQue.what is Rheology?(19mmb004)
ReplyDeleteRheology is the study of the flow of liquids which do not flow easily.
Some other materials, such as milk and blood, and also some plastic solids, have more complicated non-Newtonian stress-strain behaviors. These are studied in the sub-discipline of rheology.
Rheology is the study of the flow of any material under the influence of an applied force or stress.
Rheology is the study of the flow of liquids which do not flow easily.
What is Rheology?
ReplyDeleteRheology is the study of the flow of matter, primarily in a liquid state, but also as "soft solids" or solids under conditions in which they respond with plastic flow ( Any fluidflow in which movement is proportional to the applied force rather than deforming elastically in response to an applied force.
Q. What is upstream processing?
ReplyDeleteANS. Upstream Processing refers to the first step in which bio-molecules are grown, usually by bacterial or mammalian cell lines, in bioreactors. When they reach the desired density (for batch and fed batch cultures) they are harvested and moved to the downstream section of the bio-process.
Some important temrs.
ReplyDeleteRheology :
Rheology describes the physical flow properties of liquids. An understanding thereof is necessary in order to properly understand mixing and stirring processes and in order to design agitator for complex mixing process.
Viscosity :
The viscosity (slow fluidity) of a liquid indicates how easily or difficulty that fluid flows.
For examples, the viscosity of petrol is low, and of syrup,high. Viscosity is defined as the ratio between the imposed shear stress and resulting velocity gradient in the liquid.
Newtonian liquid :
If the liquid has a constant viscosity at all velocity gradients,then it is newtonian.
Water is a newtonian liquid. Whereas paint is non-newtonian.
Pseudo-plastic :
At higher velocity gradient, if the shearing force increases less than proportionally,it is called pseudo-plastic.
Under the influence of movement, the liquid seems to become thinner. This is called 'shear - thinning'.
Dilatant :
When the shearing force increases more than proportionally at higher velocity gradient, the effect is known as shear thickening.
Such fluids are known as dilatants and become thicker due to the influence of movement.
Examples of fluids that behave in this way are honey, quicksand and liquid ceramics.
Thixotrophic :
In a thixotrophic fluid, the viscosity decreases over the time the shear stress is applied, and returns back to the original viscosity with the cessation of the movement.
Examples include ketchup and drilling fluid.
Rheopectic :
When the viscosity of a liquid increases with time (at constant shear stress), it is called rheopectic.
Some lubricants are rheopectic.
Viscoelastic :
Some fluids exhibit both viscous and elastic properties. These liquids are then not only resistant to motion, but also, with the cessation of the movement, want to return back to their original state.
The viscoelastic fluids form a problem of mixing process.
'Dead zones' can easily occur and such fluids exhibit the tendency to creep upwards along the agitator shaft.
Examples of viscoelastic fluids are elastomers, polymers and glues.
Newtonian and Non Newtonian Fluid:-
ReplyDeleteNewtonian Fluid :- Fluid in which increase in shear stress i.e. stress or force per unit area increases then rate of flow also increases without affecting viscosity of fluid.
Non Newtonian Fluid :- Fluid doesn't obey Newton's law of viscosity initially and they change their viscosity on applying force or shear stress, upto the level till it's component molecules gets separated from each other so as to nullify their effect which they insert on each other and then it obey the viscosity law; so till the time fluid starts to flow following Newtonian Law it follows flow which can be said as plastic flow.
They are of plastic and pseudoplastic type, among which pseudoplastic is liquid but behaves and observed as solid, and it has property of fluidity but is less than water; e.g. Ketchup.
Largest Fermentor:-
ReplyDeleteGEA plant for bacterial cultures:-
Hansen's production site features the latest highly complex AIR17-fermentation project four production lines; two lines with 45 cubic meter fermenters each and two lines with 100 cubic meter fermenters each. This makes it the largest production site of its kind worldwide, according to GEA.
ReplyDeleteYear of discovery Name of the discoverer and their discovery
During 1914-15 A fermentor was developed for the production of acetone by the scientist Chain Weizmann.
1930 Large scale aerobic fermentor was developed.
1934 In this year, aeration system, water and steam inlet flow was introduced in a fermentor by the scientists Strauch and Schmidt.
1944 A fermentor was developed for the yeast production by the scientists De Beeze and Liebmann for the large scale production.
1950 A fermentor was developed in India at Hindustan Antibiotic Ltd., Pune and named it as “Pilot fermentor”.
What is screening?
ReplyDeleteIt is a technique which involves detection and isolation of desired microorganisms amongs various other microorganisms.
There are 2 types of screening:
(A) Primary screening: It is a technique which involves detection and isolation of desired microorganisms based on their qualitative ability to produce desired product by use of simple methods.
(B) Secondary screening: In this, industrially important microorganisms are characterized by using highly selective procedures.
Techniques involved in primary screening and secondary screening:
ReplyDeletePrimary screening involves the following techniques:
(A) The crowded plate technique
(B) Indicator dye technique
(C) Enrichment culture technique
(D) Auxanographic technique
Secondary screening involves the following techniques:
(A) Giant colony technique
(B) Filtration method
(C) Liquid medium method
How is pH controlled in a fermenter?
ReplyDeletepH is controlled with the help of pH electrodes.
The pH sensing element consists of a pair of electrodes which is in contact with the liquid sample.
One of the electrode is used as a reference, while the other one is sensitive to the pH of the sample.
The reference electrode is ion insensitive and is made up of an inert material which contains Ag/AgCl or Hg/HgCl.
The pH sensitive electrode is made up of glass which contains a buffer solution at a constant pH.
The glass behaves as a membrane that seperates the sample from the buffer solution and a potential proportional to the pH difference is generated.
Then according to the pH reading obtained, the pH of a fermenter is controlled with the addition of acid or alkali.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLargest fermentor constructed in the world.
ReplyDeleteWorld's largest fermentor is for probiotics production and its down stream processing.
Du Point Opens World -Class Probiotics Fermentation Unit.
ReplyDeleteCellular processes lead to changes in elastic and viscous properties of cells.
Rheolgy is science that deals with deformation and flow of materials.
Newtonian Fluids and Non Newtonian Fluids.
ReplyDeleteNewtonian fluid is a fkuid in which viscous stresses arising from its flow at even point ate linearly proportional to local strain rate.
Strain rate; rate of change of its deformation over time.
Non Newtonian Fluid; a fluid that does not follow Newton's Law of viscosity independent of stress.
Viscosity can change when under force to either more liquid or more solid.
Pseudoplastic fluids.
ReplyDeletePseudoplastic fluids - Non Newtonian Fluids.
A fluid whose apparent viscosity or consistency decreases instantaneously with an increase in shear rate.
What is bioreactor? What are the types of bioreactor?
ReplyDeleteBioreactor is a device that uses mechanical means to influence biological processes.
6 Types;
a) Continuous stirred tank
b) Airlift bioreactor
c) Fluidized bioreactor
d) Packedbed bioreactor
e) Photo bioreactor
f) Bubble column bioreactors
Question:-What is metabolic flux?
ReplyDeleteAnswer:-Metabolic flux refers to the amount of a metabolite processed by one or more catalytic steps per unit time, and it is typically normalized by cellular abundance.It is quantitative method (e.g., gram dry weight)
Que. Detection of premature contamination during fermentation process.
ReplyDeleteAns.The early detection of microbial contamination is crucial to avoid process failure and costly delays in fermentation industries. However, traditional detection methods such as plate counting and microscopy are labor-intensive, insensitive, and time-consuming. Modern techniques that can detect microbial contamination rapidly and cost-effectively are therefore sought. In the present study, we propose gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)-based metabolic footprint analysis as a rapid and reliable method for the detection of microbial contamination in fermentation processes. Our metabolic footprint analysis detected statistically significant differences in metabolite profiles of axenic and contaminated batch cultures of microalgae as early as 3 h after contamination was introduced, while classical detection methods could detect contamination only after 24 h. The data were analyzed by discriminant function analysis and were validated by leave-one-out cross-validation. We obtained a 97% success rate in correctly classifying samples coming from contaminated or axenic cultures. Therefore, metabolic footprint analysis combined with discriminant function analysis presents a rapid and cost-effective approach to monitor microbial contamination in industrial fermentation processes.
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ReplyDeleteWhat is largest fermentor constructed in the world used for?
ReplyDeleteWorld's largest fermentor is for probiotics production and its down stream processing.
Du Point Opens World -Class Probiotics Fermentation Unit.
Newtonian and Non Newtonian Fluid?
ReplyDeleteNewtonian Fluid :- Fluid in which increase in shear stress i.e. stress or force per unit area increases then rate of flow also increases without affecting viscosity of fluid.
Non Newtonian Fluid :- Fluid doesn't obey Newton's law of viscosity initially and they change their viscosity on applying force or shear stress, upto the level till it's component molecules gets separated from each other so as to nullify their effect which they insert on each other and then it obey the viscosity law; so till the time fluid starts to flow following Newtonian Law it follows flow which can be said as plastic flow.
They are of plastic and pseudoplastic type, among which pseudoplastic is liquid but behaves and observed as solid, and it has property of fluidity but is less than water; e.g. Ketchup.
What is metabolic flux ?
ReplyDeleteMetabolic flux refers to the amount of a metabolite processed by one or more catalytic steps per unit time, and it is typically normalized by cellular abundance.It is quantitative method (e.g., gram dry weight).
What is Pseudo-plastic and Plastic fluids?
ReplyDeletePseudo-plastic fluids are also referred to as shear-thinning fluids. The viscosity of these fluids will decrease with increasing shear rate. pseudo-plastic fluids are polymer solutions and similar solutions of high molecular weight substances. At low shear rates, these liquids will experience the formation of shear stress. The shear stress results in the reordering of the molecules in order to reduce the overall stress. This induction of a higher degree of order in the fluid reduces the shear stress and leads to the observed nonproportionality between the shear rate and the shear force.
Plastic fluids
Plastic fluids were first recognized by Bingham (1922), and are therefore referred to as Bingham plastics, or Bingham bodies.
it is a fluid in which the shear force is not proportional to the shear rate (non-Newtonian) and that requires a finite shear stress to start and maintain flow.
Question:-What do you mean by robust organisms?
ReplyDeleteAnswers:-Robust organisms means they have ability to bear the stress Since organisms are constantly exposed to genetic and non-genetic perturbations, robustness is important to ensure the stability of phenotypes. Robustness can be empirically measured for several genomes and individual genes by inducing mutations and measuring what proportion of mutants retain the same phenotype, function or fitness.
In Industry there is more use of Batch fermentation than Continuous fermentation. Why?
ReplyDeleteBatch fermentation is easy to set up than continuous fermentation.
In continuous Fermentation it requires sophisticated instrumentation.
Batch fermentation is more suitable for the production of secondary metabolites like Antibiotics. In Batch Fermentation, Less investment is required and Labour demand is also less and , after the fermentation is over, the residues are taken out from the fermentation tank, and vessel is then cleaned and sterilized before next batch of fermentation so that Chance of contamination is less .
What is metabolic flux ?
ReplyDeleteMetabolic flux is the amount of a metabolite processed by one or more catalytic steps per unit time, and is normalized by cellular abundance amd is quantitative method
What are Newtonian and Non-Newtonian
ReplyDeletefluids and their role in
Ans:- Newtonian fluids are named after Sir Issac Newton (1642 - 1726) who described the flow behavior of fluids with a simple linear relation between shear stress [mPa] and shear rate [1/s]. This relationship is now known as Newton's Law of Viscosity, where the proportionality constant η is the viscosity [mPa-s] of the fluid.
In reality most fluids are non-Newtonian, which means that their viscosity is dependent on shear rate (Shear Thinning or Thickening) or the deformation history (Thixotropic fluids). In contrast to Newtonian fluids, non-Newtonian fluids display either a non-linear relation between shear stress and shear rate, have a yield stress, or viscosity that is dependent on time or deformation history (or a combination of all the above!)
Some examples of Newtonian fluids include water, organic solvents, and honey.
The viscous nature or the rheological properties will affect the mixing regimes of the fermentor.
Viscosity is not a simple but a complex phenomena that is always changing and responding to various parameters. Very rarely can we describe a fermentation broth as following a Newtonian behaviour. In most cases it is a complex combinations of various Non Newtonian behaviour.
This poor understanding of the fluid behaviour of the fermentation broth will affect the efficiency of mixing and liquid circulations resulting in poorly controlled or less economical fermentation process.
The most crucial effect of viscosity is that it makes the situation very difficult to achieve proper and complete mixings. This will affect the various mass transfer processes that occur in the fermentor. poor mixings due to high viscosity will also result in the formation of various physical and chemical gradients.
Viscosity makes scaling up studies difficult due to the change in behaviour of the fermentation broth such as difficulty in mass heat transfers, solubility of components and gases and mixings at the upper scale of fermentation process.
What is bioreactor? What are the types of bioreactor?
ReplyDeleteBioreactor is a device that uses mechanical means to influence biological processes.
6 Types;
a) Continuous stirred tank
b) Airlift bioreactor
c) Fluidized bioreactor
d) Packedbed bioreactor
e) Photo bioreactor
f) Bubble column bioreactors
ReplyDeleteIt is Cellular processes lead to changes in elastic and viscous properties of cells.
Rheolgy is science that deals with deformation and flow of materials.
Which is the Largest fermentor constructed in the world:
ReplyDeleteWorld's largest fermentor is for probiotics production and its down stream processing.
Du Point Opens World -Class Probiotics Fermentation Unit.
Which law of Newton is followed by Newtonian's fluid?
ReplyDeleteNewtonian's fluid obey Newton's law of viscosity. The law states that the shear stress between two adjacent fluid layers is proportional to velocity gradients between two layers.
What are robust organisms?
ReplyDeleteRobust organisms have ability to bear the stress Since organisms are constantly exposed to genetic and non-genetic perturbations, robustness is important to ensure the stability of phenotypes. Robustness can be empirically measured for several genomes and individual genes by inducing mutations and measuring what proportion of mutants retain the same phenotype, function or fitness.
Q. Who invented bioreactor?
ReplyDeleteAns. De Beeze and Liebmann in 1944 used the first large scale (above 20 litre capacity) fermentor for the production of yeast. But it was during the first world war, a British scientist named Chain Weizmann (1914-1918) developed a fermentor for the production of acetone.
Types of bioreactor:
ReplyDelete(1) Continuous Stirred Tank Bioreactors
(2) Bubble Column Bioreactors
(3) Airlift Bioreactors
(4) Fluidized Bed Bioreactors
(5) Packed Bed Bioreactors and
(6) Photo-Bioreactors.
What are bioreactor made up of?
ReplyDeleteBioreactors are cylindrical vessel made up of stainless steel.
How is pH controlled in a fermenter?
ReplyDeletepH is controlled with the help of pH electrodes. The pH sensing element consists of a pair of electrodes which is in contact with the liquid sample.
HgC. One of the electrode is used as a reference, while the other one is sensitive to the pH of the sample. The reference electrode is ion insensitive and is made up of an inert material which contains Ag/AgCl or Hg/HgCl. The pH sensitive electrode is made up of glass which contains a buffer solution at a constant pH. The glass behaves as a membrane that seperates the sample from the buffer solution and a potential proportional to the pH difference is generated. Then according to the pH reading obtained, the pH of a fermenter is controlled with the addition of acid or alkali.
What is upstream processing?
ReplyDeleteUpstream Processing refers to the first step in which bio-molecules are grown, usually by bacterial or mammalian cell lines, in bioreactors. When they reach the desired density (for batch and fed batch cultures) they are harvested and moved to the downstream section of the bio-process.
Who invented bioreactor?
ReplyDeleteDe Beeze and Liebmann in 1944 used the first large scale (above 20 litre capacity) fermentor for the production of yeast. But it was during the first world war, a British scientist named Chain Weizmann (1914-1918) developed a fermentor for the production of acetone.
What is upstream processing?
ReplyDeleteUpstream Processing refers to the first step in which bio-molecules are grown, usually by bacterial or mammalian cell lines, in bioreactors. When they reach the desired density (for batch and fed batch cultures) they are harvested and moved to the downstream section of the bio-process.
Some important terms:
ReplyDelete1)Rheology :
Rheology describes the physical flow properties of liquids. An understanding thereof is necessary in order to properly understand mixing and stirring processes and in order to design agitator for complex mixing process.
2)Viscosity :
The viscosity (slow fluidity) of a liquid indicates how easily or difficulty that fluid flows.
For examples, the viscosity of petrol is low, and of syrup,high. Viscosity is defined as the ratio between the imposed shear stress and resulting velocity gradient in the liquid.
3)Newtonian liquid :
If the liquid has a constant viscosity at all velocity gradients,then it is newtonian.
Water is a newtonian liquid. Whereas paint is non-newtonian.
4)Pseudo-plastic :
At higher velocity gradient, if the shearing force increases less than proportionally,it is called pseudo-plastic.
Under the influence of movement, the liquid seems to become thinner. This is called 'shear - thinning'.
5)Dilatant :
When the shearing force increases more than proportionally at higher velocity gradient, the effect is known as shear thickening.
Such fluids are known as dilatants and become thicker due to the influence of movement.
Examples of fluids that behave in this way are honey, quicksand and liquid ceramics.
6)Thixotrophic :
In a thixotrophic fluid, the viscosity decreases over the time the shear stress is applied, and returns back to the original viscosity with the cessation of the movement.
Examples include ketchup and drilling fluid.
7)Rheopectic :
When the viscosity of a liquid increases with time (at constant shear stress), it is called rheopectic.
Some lubricants are rheopectic.
8)Viscoelastic :
Some fluids exhibit both viscous and elastic properties. These liquids are then not only resistant to motion, but also, with the cessation of the movement, want to return back to their original state.
The viscoelastic fluids form a problem of mixing process.
'Dead zones' can easily occur and such fluids exhibit the tendency to creep upwards along the agitator shaft.
Examples of viscoelastic fluids are elastomers, polymers and glues.
The Largest Fermentor:-
ReplyDeleteGEA plant for bacterial cultures:-
Hansen's production site features the latest highly complex AIR17-fermentation project four production lines; two lines with 45 cubic meter fermenters each and two lines with 100 cubic meter fermenters each. This makes it the largest production site of its kind worldwide, according to GEA.
What is screening?
ReplyDeleteIt is a technique which involves detection and isolation of desired microorganisms amongs various other microorganisms.
There are 2 types of screening:
(A) Primary screening: It is a technique which involves detection and isolation of desired microorganisms based on their qualitative ability to produce desired product by use of simple methods.
(B) Secondary screening: In this, industrially important microorganisms are characterized by using highly selective procedures.
What is screening?
ReplyDeleteScreening is a technique that involves detection and isolation of desired microorganisms amongs various other microorganisms.
There are 2 types of screening:
1)Primary screening: It involves detection and isolation of desired microorganisms based on their qualitative ability to produce desired product by use of simple methods.
2)Secondary screening: In this type of screening industrially important microorganisms are characterized by using highly selective procedures.
How is pH controlled in the bioreactor?
ReplyDeletepH is controlled with the help of pH electrodes.
The pH sensing element consists of a pair of electrodes which is in contact with the liquid sample.
One of the electrode is used as a reference, while the other one is sensitive to the pH of the sample.
The reference electrode is ion insensitive and is made up of an inert material which contains Ag/AgCl or Hg/HgCl.
The pH sensitive electrode is made up of glass which contains a buffer solution at a constant pH.
The glass behaves as a membrane that seperates the sample from the buffer solution and a potential proportional to the pH difference is generated.
Then according to the pH reading obtained, the pH of a fermenter is controlled with the addition of acid or alkali.
What are robust organisms?
ReplyDeleteRobust organisms are the organism that have ability to bear the stress Since organisms are constantly exposed to genetic and non-genetic perturbations, robustness is important to ensure the stability of phenotypes. Robustness can be measured for several genomes and individual genes by inducing mutations and measuring what proportion of mutants retain the same phenotype, function or fitness.
Techniques involved in primary screening and secondary screening:
ReplyDeletePrimary screening involves the following techniques:
The crowded plate technique.
Indicator dye technique.
Enrichment culture technique.
Auxanographic technique.
Secondary screening involves the following techniques:
Giant colony technique.
Filtration method.
Liquid medium method.
What is Pseudo-plastic and Plastic fluids?
ReplyDeletePseudo-plastic fluids are also referred to as shear-thinning fluids. The viscosity of these fluids will decrease with increasing shear rate. pseudo-plastic fluids are polymer solutions and similar solutions of high molecular weight substances. At low shear rates, these liquids will experience the formation of shear stress. The shear stress results in the reordering of the molecules in order to reduce the overall stress. This induction of a higher degree of order in the fluid reduces the shear stress and leads to the observed nonproportionality between the shear rate and the shear force.
Plastic fluids
Plastic fluids were first recognized by Bingham (1922), and are therefore referred to as Bingham plastics, or Bingham bodies.
it is a fluid in which the shear force is not proportional to the shear rate (non-Newtonian) and that requires a finite shear stress to start and maintain flow.
What is downstream processing?
ReplyDeleteDownstream processing refers to the recovery and the purification of biosynthetic products, particularly pharmaceuticals, from natural sources such as animal or plant tissue or fermentation broth, including the recycling of salvageable components and the proper treatment and disposal of waste. It is an essential step in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics, hormones (e.g. insulin and humans growth hormone), antibodies (e.g. infliximab and abciximab) and vaccines; antibodies and enzymes used in diagnostics; industrial enzymes; and natural fragrance and flavor compounds. Downstream processing is usually considered a specialized field in biochemical engineering, itself a specialization within chemical engineering, though many of the key technologies were developed by chemists and biologists for laboratory-scale separation of biological products.
Downstream processing and analytical bioseparation both refer to the separation or purification of biological products, but at different scales of operation and for different purposes. Downstream processing implies manufacture of a purified product fit for a specific use, generally in marketable quantities, while analytical bioseparation refers to purification for the sole purpose of measuring a component or components of a mixture, and may deal with sample sizes as small as a single cell.
The Largest Fermentor:-
ReplyDeleteGEA plant for bacterial cultures:-
Hansen's production site features the latest highly complex AIR17-fermentation project four production lines; two lines with 45 cubic meter fermenters each and two lines with 100 cubic meter fermenters each. This makes it the largest production site of its kind worldwide, according to GEA.
Q. Who invented bioreactor?
ReplyDeleteAns. De Beeze and Liebmann in 1944 used the first large scale (above 20 litre capacity) fermentor for the production of yeast. But it was during the first world war, a British scientist named Chain Weizmann (1914-1918) developed a fermentor for the production of acetone.
Widely used stainless steel in fermentation industry :
ReplyDeleteMost widely used stainless steel in fermentation industry is type 316:
Alloys often are added to steel to increase desired properties. Marine grade stainless steel, called type 316, is resistant to certain types of interactions. There are a variety of different types of 316 stainless steels, including 316 L, F, N, H, and several others. Each is slightly different, and each is used for different purpose
While similar to Type 304, which is common in the food industry, type 316 exhibit better corrosion resistance and is stronger at elevated temperatures. It is also non-hardenable by heat treatment and can be readily formed and drawn
Type 316 steel is an austenitic chromium-nickel stainless steel that contains between two and three percent molybdenum. The molybdenum content increases corrosion resistance, improves resistance to pitting in chloride ion solutions and increases strength at high temperatures.
Type 316 grade stainless steel is particularly effective in acidic environments. This grade of steel is effective in protecting against corrosion caused by sulfuric, hydrochloric, acetic, formic, and tartaric acids, as well as acid sulfates and alkaline chlorides.
Physical Properties of type 316 steel:
Density: 0.799g/cm3
Electrical resistivity: 74 microhm-cm (20 degrees Celsius)
Specific Heat: 0.50 kJ/kg-K (0-100 degrees Celsius)
Thermal conductivity: 16.2 W/m-k (100 degrees Celsius)
Modulus of Elasticity (MPa): 193 x 103 in tension
Melting Range: 2,500-2,550 degrees Fahrenheit (1,371-1,399 degrees Celsius)
A breakdown of the percentages of various elements used to create type 316 steel
Carbon- 0.08
Manganese- 2.00
Phosphorus- 0.045
Sulfur- 0.03
Silicon- 0.75
Chromium- 16.00-18.00
Nickel -10.00-14.00
Molybdenum 2.00-3.00
Nitrogen- 0.10 max.
Iron- Balance
Categories of non-Newtonian fluids:
ReplyDeleteAns: there are 4 categories of non Newtonian fluids,
1. Thioxotropic : viscosity decreases with stress over time
2.rheopectic : viscosity increases over time.
3.shear thinning : viscosity decreases with increased stress.
4. Dilatant or shear thickening : viscosity increases with increased in stress.
Describe Rheology, its types and effect on fermentation
ReplyDeleteRheology is the study of flow and deformation of materials under applied forces.
It is classified as:
1) Newtonian fluids : Obeys Newton's law.
Viscosity changes with temperature
2) Non Newtonian Fluids : Doesn't obey Newton's law
Viscosity changes with the strain rate.
3) Pseudoplastic Rheology
4) Bingham Plastic Rheology
5) Dilatant Rheology
6) Casson Body Rheology
The viscous nature or the rheological properties will affect the mixing regimes of the fermentor.
Viscosity is a complex phenomena that is always changing and responding to various parameters. Very rarely can we describe a fermentation broth as following a Newtonian behaviour. In most cases it is a complex combinations of various Non Newtonian behaviour.
This poor understanding of the fluid behaviour of the fermentation broth will affect the efficiency of mixing and liquid circulations resulting in poorly controlled or less economical fermentation process.
Laboratory scale fermentor- for small scale production, glass or stainless steel can be used for construction.
ReplyDeletePilot scale and large scale- for pilot scale and large scale fermentors, mild steel coated with glass or e epoxy materials are used. AISI grade 316 which contains 18% chromium, 10% nickel and 2-2.5% molybdenum are commonly used.
for citric acid production where pH is 1-2, stainless steel of AISI grade 304 is commonly used.
Non-Newtonian fluids and its classification:
ReplyDeleteThe Non Newtonian nature is due to the composition of a fermentation broth which is not uniform and complex. The fermentation broth often show complex interactions of solid, liquid and gas phases. The rheology of the fermentation broth is always changing as a function of time and with the progress of the fermentation.The main impact of Non Newtonian rheology is that it affect mixings and mass transfers of heat and oxygen and prevent efficient homogenous composition to occur. Rheology is the study of fluid deformation and flow under pressure and the relationship between stress and strain. Each rheological type will give different mixing profile.
This has led to the classification of various classes of Non Newtonian fluids such as
1-viscoplastic fluid,
2-bingham fluid,
3-pseudoplastic fluid,
4-dilatant fluid
Non Newtonian rheology curves can be made up of various types. Most of these rhelogical curves are graphs where the x- axis is shear stress and the y- axis is shear rate.
Generally all Non Newtonian fluids show some similarity in relationship with Newtonian fluid reflecting the effect of shear stress on shear rate. There is roughly a direct linear relationship (with variations) between shear stress and shear rate.
Differences only that Newtonian fluid adhere strictly and very linear and start at point zero of the axis.
1 Viscoplastic and Bingham starts only after certain level of shear stress. This means that the fluid will NOT respond immediately to applied stress and will only react after reaching the critical power point
2 Pseudoplastic and dilatants start at zero point but are curved in their shape. This mean that the fluid will respond immediately to the power or energy input. This is similar to Non Newtonian. However their response will be different in that it is not a linear relationship between stress and shear rate
3 Viscoplastic, pseudoplastic and dilatants are curved in their shapes This means that these fluids react in their yield behavior under stress differently. These rheological graphs will tell us how to respond efficiently with the type of broth being fermented.By understanding the various rheological changes that occur in the fermentation broth we can:
1 Try to achieve uniform homogenization and optimum mass transfer
2 Try to optimize energy usage in mixing of the fermentation broth
In carrying out the fermentation, we are using the impeller to mix the broth. Energy is transferred and dissipated to the broth by the impeller system. The impeller is in simplicity the shear stress being enforced upon the broth.
The effect of the impeller or mixing on the broth will result in the flow or turbulence of the broth. The broth will respond by exhibiting stress yield properties such as thinning out of the broth to improve mass transfer processes.
So if we know the rheology of the fermentation broth it will help us to adapt to obtain very efficient fermentation by adjusting our mixing regimes. This is especially so when the rheology changes with time and conditions.
Some List of fermentation industry in INDIA-
Que)How to detect contamination prematurely?
ReplyDelete**Detection technique of fungal contamination**
>> It can be detected by using the application of "E Nose"(Electronic Nose) based on MOS(metal oxide semiconductors) gas sensor array for a rapid evaluation and identification of samples contaminated with various fungi genera.
>> Selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) Methods which enable the analysis of volatile fungi metabolites. Many genera of fungi produce a specific range of volatiles. This profile gas fingerprinting could be utilized for early detection of fungal contamination of stricken materials.
>> Electronic or optoelectronic nose technology has been previously used in many branches like food, medical, environmental industries. Therefore the possibility of identifying fungal contamination of samples and their genera carried out on the basis of head space analysis is relevant for environmental or civil engineering both from the scientific and practical stand point. Such studies are important especially in the early stages of fungal development when their presence is not yet visible the concentration of spores is low and there is no obvious development of mycelia.
Penicillin History and struggle that people did to make the high scale production.
ReplyDeleteGiven below is the link may refer it:
How to detect contamination prematurely?
ReplyDelete1)Detection technique of fungal contamination:
It can be detected by using the application of "E Nose"(Electronic Nose) based on MOS(metal oxide semiconductors) gas sensor array for a rapid evaluation and identification of samples contaminated with various fungi genera.
2)Selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) Methods which enable the analysis of volatile fungi metabolites. Many genera of fungi produce a specific range of volatiles. This profile gas fingerprinting could be utilized for early detection of fungal contamination of stricken materials.
3)Electronic or optoelectronic nose technology has been previously used in many branches like food, medical, environmental industries. Therefore the possibility of identifying fungal contamination of samples and their genera carried out on the basis of head space analysis is relevant for environmental or civil engineering both from the scientific and practical stand point. Such studies are important especially in the early stages of fungal development when their presence is not yet visible the concentration of spores is low and there is no obvious development of mycelia
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ReplyDeleteWhy there is more use of Batch fermentation than Continuous fermentation in industries?
ReplyDeleteBatch fermentation is easy to set up than continuous fermentation.
In continuous Fermentation it requires sophisticated instrumentation.
Batch fermentation is more suitable for the production of secondary metabolites like Antibiotics. In Batch Fermentation, Less investment is required and Labour demand is also less and , after the fermentation is over, the residues are taken out from the fermentation tank, and vessel is then cleaned and sterilized before next batch of fermentation so that Chance of contamination is less .
What is strain improvement?
ReplyDeleteStrain improvement is aTechnology of manipulating and improving microbial strains in order to enhancemetabolic capabilities. The directed improvement of productformation or cellular properties through modifications of specific biochemicalpathways or by introduction of new pathways using recombinant DNA technology.
Purpose of strain improvement :
ReplyDeleteIncrease the productivities .
Regulating the activity of the enzymes .
Increasing the permeability .
To change un used co-Metabolites .
Introducing new genetic properties into the organism by Recombinant DNA technology / Genetic engineering.
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ReplyDeleteWhat is Rheology?
ReplyDeleteRheology is a branch of physics that deals with the study of the flow of liquid matter and the deformation of solid materials.
• Rheology considers the non-Newtonian fluids that remains viscous or in a semi-solid state and the deformation of solids during the application of a certain amount of force.
•The rheological characteristics of materials directly affect the way that they should be handled and processed. Specifically, the rheological properties determine:
1)How the material should be mixed
2)What tools should be used to disperse the material
3)The way that coatings settle,
4)The material's shear rate, or the rate that the material can be deformed
5)How the material flows into spaces.
What are bioreactor made up of?
ReplyDeleteBioreactors are cylindrical vessel made up of stainless steel.
what is the difference between Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids?
ReplyDeleteNewtonian fluids have a constant viscosity that doesn’t change, no matter the pressure being applied to the fluid. This also means they don’t compress.
Non-Newtonian fluids are just the opposite — if enough force is applied to these fluids, their viscosity will change. These fluids are broken up into two categories — dilatants, which get thicker when force is applied, and pseudoplastics, which get thinner under the same circumstances.
These can be further broken down into rheopectic and thixotropic categories. Rheopectics work like dilatants in that they get thicker when force is applied. Thixotropic materials get thinner, like pseudoplastics do. The difference here is that the latter two categories are time dependant. The viscosity doesn’t change immediately but changes slowly over time as more and more force is applied.
Newtonian fluids include mineral oil, alcohol and gasoline.
Non-Newtonian Fluids in Daily Life:
Dilatants are probably the most well known nonnewtonian fluids. They become thick or almost solid when force is applied to them and are made up of water mixed with other materials. Oobleck, the colloquial name for a mixture of water and cornstarch, is probably the most well-known, but quicksand and silly putty also fall into this category.
Rheopectic fluids get thicker in relation to the pressure being applied to them and the time that the pressure is being applied. The best example of a rheopectic fluid is cream. With enough time and pressure, cream becomes butter.
Thixotropic fluids are similar to pseudoplastics in that they get thinner as pressure is applied to them, but it’s also dependant on the time that the pressure is being applied. Things like cosmetics, asphalt and glue all fall into the thixotropic category.
What is Rheology?
ReplyDeleteRheology is a branch of physics that deals with the study of the flow of liquid matter and the deformation of solid materials.
• Rheology considers the non-Newtonian fluids that remains viscous or in a semi-solid state and the deformation of solids during the application of a certain amount of force.
•The rheological characteristics of materials directly affect the way that they should be handled and processed. Specifically, the rheological properties determine:
1)How the material should be mixed
2)What tools should be used to disperse the material
3)The way that coatings settle,
4)The material's shear rate, or the rate that the material can be deformed
5)How the material flows into spaces.
History of fermentors:
ReplyDeleteYear of discovery Name of the discoverer and their discovery:
During 1914-15 A fermentor was developed for the production of acetone by the scientist Chain Weizmann.
1930 Large scale aerobic fermentor was developed.
1934 In this year, aeration system, water and steam inlet flow was introduced in a fermentor by the scientists Strauch and Schmidt.
1944 A fermentor was developed for the yeast production by the scientists De Beeze and Liebmann for the large scale production.
1950 A fermentor was developed in India at Hindustan Antibiotic Ltd., Pune and named it as “Pilot fermentor”.
QUESTION: World's largest working Fermentor?
ReplyDeleteThe F1400 is the world's largest vinegar fermentor it holds 1,40,000 litres (140 cubic meter) and delivers more than 25 million litre of vinegar per year.
Who summerized newtonian and non newtonian fermentation?
ReplyDeleteHubbard summerizes the procedure for newtonian and non newtonian fermentations.They also proposed two methods to determine large scale condition : determine volumetric air flow and calculation of agitator speed.
Detection of premature contamination during fermentation process:
ReplyDeleteThe early detection of microbial contamination is crucial to avoid process failure and costly delays in fermentation industries. However, traditional detection methods such as plate counting and microscopy are labor-intensive, insensitive, and time-consuming. Modern techniques that can detect microbial contamination rapidly and cost-effectively are therefore sought. In the present study, we propose gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)-based metabolic footprint analysis as a rapid and reliable method for the detection of microbial contamination in fermentation processes. Our metabolic footprint analysis detected statistically significant differences in metabolite profiles of axenic and contaminated batch cultures of microalgae as early as 3 h after contamination was introduced, while classical detection methods could detect contamination only after 24 h. The data were analyzed by discriminant function analysis and were validated by leave-one-out cross-validation. We obtained a 97% success rate in correctly classifying samples coming from contaminated or axenic cultures. Therefore, metabolic footprint analysis combined with discriminant function analysis presents a rapid and cost-effective approach to monitor microbial contamination in industrial fermentation processes.
What is industrial microbiology?
ReplyDeleteIndustrial microbiology is a branch of applied microbiology in which microorganisms are used in industrial processes; for example, in the production of high-value products such as drugs, chemicals, fuels and electricity.
Industrial microbiology and fermentation technology:
ReplyDeleteFermentation is the process involving the biochemical activity of organisms, during their growth, development, reproduction, even senescence and death. Fermentation technology is the use of organisms to produce food, pharmaceuticals and alcoholic beverages on a large scale industrial basis.
The basic principle involved in the industrial fermentation technology is that organisms are grown under suitable conditions, by providing raw materials meeting all the necessary requirements such as carbon, nitrogen, salts, trace elements and vitamins.
•Fermented food products and their benefits
ReplyDelete1. Sauerkraut used as probiotic made from cabbage
2. Kimchi is made from cabbage
3. Kefir break down lactose so it is easier to digest for people with lactose intolerance .
5.Miso is made from barley,rice or soybean
(19MMB 028)
Design of fermentor:
ReplyDeleteBioreactor design is a relatively complex engineering task, which is studied in the discipline of biochemical/bioprocess engineering. Under optimum conditions, the microorganisms or cells are able to perform their desired function with limited production of impurities. The environmental conditions inside the bioreactor, such as temperature, nutrient concentrations, pH, and dissolved gases (especially oxygen for aerobic fermentations) affect the growth and productivity of the organisms. The temperature of the fermentation medium is maintained by a cooling jacket, coils, or both. Particularly exothermic fermentations may require the use of external heat exchangers. Nutrients may be continuously added to the fermenter, as in a fed-batch system, or may be charged into the reactor at the beginning of fermentation. The pH of the medium is measured and adjusted with small amounts of acid or base, depending upon the fermentation. For aerobic (and some anaerobic) fermentations, reactant gases (especially oxygen) must be added to the fermentation. Since oxygen is relatively insoluble in water (the basis of nearly all fermentation media), air (or purified oxygen) must be added continuously. The action of the rising bubbles helps mix the fermentation medium and also "strips" out waste gases, such as carbon dioxide. In practice, bioreactors are often pressurized; this increases the solubility of oxygen in water. In an aerobic process, optimal oxygen transfer is sometimes the rate limiting step. Oxygen is poorly soluble in water—even less in warm fermentation broths—and is relatively scarce in air (20.95%). Oxygen transfer is usually helped by agitation, which is also needed to mix nutrients and to keep the fermentation homogeneous. Gas dispersing agitators are used to break up air bubbles and circulate them throughout the vessel.
Fouling can harm the overall efficiency of the bioreactor, especially the heat exchangers. To avoid it, the bioreactor must be easily cleaned. Interior surfaces are typically made of stainless steel for easy cleaning and sanitation. Typically bioreactors are cleaned between batches, or are designed to reduce fouling as much as possible when operated continuously. Heat transfer is an important part of bioreactor design; small vessels can be cooled with a cooling jacket, but larger vessels may require coils or an external heat exchanger.
Fermented food products and their benefits :
ReplyDeleteCommon fermented foods include kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh, kombucha, and yogurt. These foods may reduce heart disease risk and aid digestion, immunity, and weight loss
Sauerkraut used as probiotic made from cabbage
Kefir break down lactose so it is easier to digest for people with lactose intolerance .
Characteristics of microorganism used in industrial fermentation are as follows :
ReplyDeleteThe microbes use must be contamination free. In case, if it is bacteria, it should be phage free.
Grow in simple media: minimal nutritional requirements. Also, preferably not require growth factors (i.e., pre-formed vi¬tamins, nucleotides, and acids).
The organism should be genetically and physiologically stable. Hence, they must resist random mutations.
The organism should also accept a certain degree of genetic manipulation to en¬able the creation of strains with more acceptable properties.
The microbes should grow vigorously and rapidly.
The growth period must be shorter, not more than 24 – 36 hours.
They should lead to a single desired product in a short time possible.
The product should not contain unwanted materials and toxins.
The microbes should produce their products extracellularly to reduce the cost price.
Should produce the products of interest in high yield.
If possible, the microbes used should be nonpathogenic.
The organism should not be too highly demanding of oxygen.
The microbes should be conserved for an extended period and become viable after thawing process.
The microbes need to be reasonably resis¬tant to predators such as Bdellovibrio spp or bacteriophages
Succinic acid producing microorganisms : Actinobacillus succinogenes, Mannheimia succiniciproducens and Anaerobiospirillum succiniciproducens or genetically modified Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium glutamicum and Saccharomyces cerevisia.
ReplyDeleteWith the help of Fermentation Microbiology we can shift from hydrocarbon based energy source like- petroleum, coal, natural gas to a bio-based green economy specially by renewable energy sources, particularly microbial bio-fuels(ehtanol,methane.hydrogen..etc.)
Sugar fermentation by yeast( Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Zymomonas mobilis are primarily used) to processed fermentation sugars needed for fermentation is available from agricultural products and waste and
this fermented bio-ethanols as a fuel source offers advantages over standard fossil fuels.
fermentation of organic compounds by many bacteria generates hydrogen.For example, some enterobacteria produce hydrogen and CO2.
Methane production: Methane (CH4) is an energy-rich fuel that can be produced by anaerobic decomposition of waste materials.
Types of product produced in fermentation Industry:
ReplyDeleteTwo types -1) high volume, low cost
2)low volume, high cost.
fermentations can be divided into four types:
ReplyDelete1)Production of biomass (viable cellular material)
2)Production of extracellular metabolites (chemical compounds)
3)Production of intracellular components (enzymes and other proteins)
4)Transformation of substrate (in which the transformed substrate is itself the product)
These types are not necessarily disjoint from each other, but provide a framework for understanding the differences in approach. The organisms used may be bacteria, yeasts, molds, algae, animal cells, or plant cells. Special considerations are required for the specific organisms used in the fermentation, such as the dissolved oxygen level, nutrient levels, and temperature.
Given above are the ranges of fermentation process.
DeleteProducts of microbial fermentation :
ReplyDeleteImportantly, the major end products of microbial digestion of cellulose and other carbohydrates are volatile fatty acids, lactic acid, methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Fermentation is thus the major source of intestinal gas.
Which was the first microbial fermentation?
Bio based green economy have low toxicity,biodegradablity and ecological acceptablity. It has been found that they have reduced the production cost and proved to be more functional than hydrocarbon therefore it is more prefered or is shifted to bio based green economy from hydrocarbon economy.
ReplyDeleteThe bio-based economy relies on sustainable, plant-derived resources for fuels, chemicals, materials, food and feed rather than on the evanescent usage of fossil resources. The cornerstone of this economy is the biorefinery, in which renewable resources are intelligently converted to a plethora of products, maximizing the valorization of the feedstocks.Cellulose is a major polysaccharide of the cell wall, and this linear polymer of β-1,4-linked glucose units is considered to be the world’s most abundant biopolymer. Glucose is an ideal carbon source to feed the bio-based economy, since it is easily converted by microorganisms and enzymes into ethanol and a variety of chemical compounds. In a sustainable production process, the remaining biomass is subsequently concentrated and processed to biogas by anaerobic digestion after which the residual waste fractions are converted into bio-oil or biochar by pyrolysis
ReplyDeleteTypes of sparger and its uses:
ReplyDeleteAmong different types of sparger used one type is the long porous injectors, it is a line of porous metal seamless injector which creates bubbles smaller and more numerous than any other type of spargers. Greater gas/liquid contact area, time&volume required to dissolve gas into liquid is reduced. Most important factor when injecting gas into liquid is to increase the surface area of the gas to ensure fast absorption into the liquid. This is accomplished by reducing bubble size, creates slow moving tiny bubbles that results in large increase in absorption.
What is a bioreactor?
ReplyDeleteA bioreactor is a container/vessel which is used to hold organisms for the purpose of carrying out various biochemical processes.
What is a fermenter?
A fermenter is a container/vessel which is used to hold microorganisms for the purpose of carrying out fermentation.
Difference between a bioreactor and a fermenter:
The main difference between a bioreactor and a fermenter is that a bioreactor is a vessel that facilitates various types of biochemical reactions while a fermenter is a vessel that facilitates fermentation.
Hence, a fermenter is a type of bioreactor.
ReplyDeleteA fermenter is basically cylindrical in shape and is made up of stainless steel.
It can be of different sizes but the aspect ratio of length/diameter of a fermenter is always 3:1.
Main regulatory/controlling systems of a fermenter:
ReplyDelete(1) Temperature regulatory system
(2)Aeration system
(3)Agitation system
(4)pH regulatory system
(5)Dissolved oxygen control system
(6)Foam control
(7)Other parts of a fermenter:
Feeding pumps are provided for addition or removal of substances.
Aseptic inoculation pipe, stirrer shaft seal, sampling port etc are also there in the fermenter apart from major controlling systems.
What is a bioreactor?
ReplyDeleteA bioreactor is a container/vessel which is used to hold organisms for the purpose of carrying out various biochemical processes.
What is a fermenter?
A fermenter is a container/vessel which is used to hold microorganisms for the purpose of carrying out fermentation.
Difference between a bioreactor and a fermenter:
The main difference between a bioreactor and a fermenter is that a bioreactor is a vessel that facilitates various types of biochemical reactions while a fermenter is a vessel that facilitates fermentation.
Hence, a fermenter is a type of bioreactor.
Main controlling systems of a fermenter:
ReplyDelete(1) Temperature regulatory system
2)Aeration system
3)Agitation system
4)pH regulatory system
5)Dissolved oxygen control system
6)Foam control
7)Other parts of a fermenter:
Feeding pumps are provided for addition or removal of substances.
Aseptic inoculation pipe, stirrer shaft seal, sampling port etc are also there in the fermenter apart from major controlling systems.
ReplyDeleteA fermenter is basically cylindrical in shape and is made up of stainless steel.
It can be of different sizes but the aspect ratio of length/diameter of a fermenter is always 3:1.
Media used for industrial fermentation :
ReplyDeleteThe media used for the growth of microorganisms in industrial fermentation must contain all the elements in a suitable form for the synthesis of cellular substances as well as the metabolic products. While designing a medium, several factors must be taken into consideration. The most important among them is the ultimate product desired in the fermentation.
For growth-linked products (primary metabolites e.g. ethanol, citric acid), the product formations is directly dependent on the growth of the organisms, hence the medium should be such that it supports good growth. On the other hand, for products which are not directly linked to the growth (secondary metabolites e.g. antibiotics, alkaloids, gibberellins), the substrate requirements for product formation must also be considered.
Construction material used for a fermenter:
ReplyDeleteIn fermentations with strict aseptic requirements, it is important to select materials that can withstand repeated steam sterilization cycles.
On a small scale, it is possible to use glass or stainless steel.
Glass is useful, because it gives smooth surfaces, is non toxic, corrosion proof and it is usually easy to examine the interior of the vessel.
At pilot and large/industrial scale, fermenters are usually constructed of stainless steel or at least have a stainless steel coating to prevent corrosion.
What is Upstream processing?
ReplyDeleteUpstream processing include selection of a microbial strain characterized by the ability to synthesize a specific product having the desired commercial value. This strain then is subjected to improvement protocols to maximize the ability of the strain to synthesize economical amounts of the product. Included in the upstream phase is the fermentation process itself which usually is carried out in large tanks known as fermenters or bioreactors. In addition to mechanical parts which provide proper conditions inside the tank such as aeration, cooling, agitation, etc., the tank is usually also equipped with complex sets of monitors and control devices in order to run the microbial growth and product synthesis under optimized conditions. One of the most commonly used fermenter types is the stirred-tank fermenter which utilizes mechanical agitation principles, mainly using radial-flow impellers, during the fermentation process.
What is downstream processing?
ReplyDeleteDownstream processing, the various stages that follow the fermentation process, involves suitable techniques and methods for recovery, purification, and characterization of the desired fermentation product. A vast array of methods for downstream processing, such as centrifugation, filtration, and chromatography, may be applied. These methods vary according to the chemical and physical nature, as well as the desired grade, of the final product.
What is downstream processing?
ReplyDeleteDownstream processing, the various stages that follow the fermentation process, involves suitable techniques and methods for recovery, purification, and characterization of the desired fermentation product. A vast array of methods for downstream processing, such as centrifugation, filtration, and chromatography, may be applied. These methods vary according to the chemical and physical nature, as well as the desired grade, of the final product.
What is a bioreactor?
ReplyDeleteBioreactor is a vessel which holds micro organisms in order to carry out biochemical reactions.
What is a fermentor?
Fermentor is a vessel which holds micro organisms in order to carry out fermentation process.
Question:-What is Flow Injection Analysis(FIA)?
ReplyDeleteAnswers:-FIA is an automated method of chemical analysis in which a sample is injected into a flowing carrier solution that mixes with reagents before reaching a detector. Over past 30 years, FIA techniques developed into a wide array of applications using spectrophotometry, fluorescence spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and other methods of instrumental analysis for detection.
Automated sample processing, high repeatability, adaptability to micro-miniaturization, containment of chemicals, waste reduction, and reagent economy in a system that operates at microliter levels are all valuable assets that contribute to the application of flow injection to real-world assays. The main assets of flow injection are the well defined concentration gradient that forms when an analyte is injected into the reagent stream (which offers an infinite number of well-reproduced analyte/reagent ratios) and the exact timing of fluidic manipulations.
QUE :- what is bioreactor?
ReplyDeleteANS:- A fermentation vat for the production of living organisms, as bacteria or yeast, used in industrial processes such as waste recycling or in the manufacture of drugs or other products.
Classification of biosensors:
ReplyDeleteBiosensors can be classified according to transducers employed. The transducer are of different types:
4.Microbial biosensor
5.Enzyme biosensor
Biosensors in food industry:
ReplyDeleteBiosensors are analytical devices that convert a biological response into an electrical signal.
Biosensors are used for the detection of pathogens in food.Presence of E.coli in vegetables is an indicator of faecal contamination in food.E.coli has been measured by detecting variation in pH caused by ammonia using potentiometric alternating biosensing system.
Enzymatic biosensors are employed in the dairy industry. Enzymes are immobilized on electrodes by engulfment in a photocrosslinkable polymer.The automated flow-based biosensor could quantify the three organophosphate pesticidies in milk.
Function of biotransducer in biosensor system:
ReplyDeleteA biotransducer is the recognition-transduction component of a biosensor system.It consist of two intimately coupled parts;a bio-recognition layer & a physicochemical transducer,which acting together converts a biochemical signal to an electronic or optical signal.
How biosensors work?
ReplyDeleteBiosensor consist of (1) biological component for sensing the presence & concentration of substance
(2) a transducer .The sample is allowed to pass through a membrane so that selection may be exercised & the interfering molecules are retained outside the membrane.The sample then interacts with biological sensor & forms a product, which may be an electric current/charge,heat,gas or suitable chemical.The product then passes through the another membrane & reaches the transducer.The transducer converts a biorecognition event into a measurable signal that correlates with the quantity or presence of chemical or biological target.
Amplifier and detector also plays a major role.
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Design of bioreactor:
ReplyDeleteA good bioreactor design should address improved productivity, validation of desired parameters towards obtaining consistent & higher quality products in a cost effective manner.The effective bioreactor is to control & positively influence the biological reaction & must prevent foreign contamination. During the fermentation, monoseptic conditions, optimal mixing with low, uniform shear rates should be maintained throughout the process.A culture can be aerated by one, or a combination, of the following methods: surface aeration, direct sparging, indirect & membrane aeration, medium perfusion, increasing the partial pressure of oxygen & increasing the atmospheric pressure.
The basic features of bioreactor include headspace volume,agitator system, oxygen delivery system, foam control, temperature & pH control system, sampling ports, cleaning & sterilisation system & lines of charging emptying the reactor.
Aim of Biosensor- To provide a rapid,highly specific, quantitative response,so that there is no need of sample preprocessing.
ReplyDeleteWhat is an Ideal Biosensor?
ReplyDeleteIt is to apply such a biological detection element in a configuration that gives a rapid automatic output without sample processing.(not always achieved)
ReplyDeleteWeakness of biological sensing element- They are relatively heat labile and not stable at high temperatures or by other sterilizing agents.
They are unsuitable for in- dwelling probes inside the bioreactor,unless separated from the fermentation broth by a cell impermeable membrane.
-They become denatured to some degree over time under normal reaction conditions,so their performance must be monitored. And must be replaced on a regular basis.
What is flow injection analysis(FIA)?
ReplyDeleteThis refers to automatic abstraction of samples from the test system and their injection into a flow of a carrier liquid, which is constantly passed through the detection element.
Transduction depends on the type of signal generated by the biological recognition element.
ReplyDeleteMain types of transducers are-
1)Electrical- Potentiometric, amperometeric,conductimetric, capacitative)
2) Optical- based on absorbance,fluorescence,luminescence,or surface plasmon resonance(SPR).
3)thermal- Calorimetric
4) mechanical- piezoelectric.
Q. Who discovered biosensor?
ReplyDeleteAns. The first 'true' biosensor was developed by Leland C. Clark, Jr in 1956 for oxygen detection. He is known as the 'father of biosensors' and his invention of the oxygen electrode bears his name: 'Clark electrode
Que.About biosensors and it components.
ReplyDeleteAns.A biosensor is a device that measures biological or chemical reactions by generating signals proportional to the concentration of an analyte in the reaction. Biosensors are employed in applications such as disease monitoring, drug discovery, and detection of pollutants, disease-causing micro-organisms and markers that are indicators of a disease in bodily fluids (blood, urine, saliva, sweat). it consists of the following components.
Analyte: A substance of interest that needs detection. For instance, glucose is an ‘analyte’ in a biosensor designed to detect glucose.
Bioreceptor: A molecule that specifically recognises the analyte is known as a bioreceptor. Enzymes, cells, aptamers, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and antibodies are some examples of bioreceptors. The process of signal generation (in the form of light, heat, pH, charge or mass change, etc.) upon interaction of the bioreceptor with the analyte is termed bio-recognition.
Transducer: The transducer is an element that converts one form of energy into another. In a biosensor the role of the transducer is to convert the bio-recognition event into a measurable signal. This process of energy conversion is known as signalisation. Most transducers produce either optical or electrical signals that are usually proportional to the amount of analyte–bioreceptor interactions.
Electronics: This is the part of a biosensor that processes the transduced signal and prepares it for display. It consists of complex electronic circuitry that performs signal conditioning such as amplification and conversion of signals from analogue into the digital form. The processed signals are then quantified by the display unit of the biosensor.
Display: The display consists of a user interpretation system such as the liquid crystal display of a computer or a direct printer that generates numbers or curves understandable by the user. This part often consists of a combination of hardware and software that generates results of the biosensor in a user-friendly manner. The output signal on the display can be numeric, graphic, tabular or an image, depending on the requirements of the end user.
Q. what are different types of sensors?
ReplyDeleteAns. All types of sensors can be basically classified into analog sensors and digital sensors. But, there are a few types of sensors-
1 Temperature Sensor
2 IR Sensor
3 Ultrasonic Sensor
4 Touch Sensor
5 Proximity Sensors
6 Pressure sensor
What are the products manufactured by microorganisms?
ReplyDeleteFrom Bacteria:-
Acetobacter aceti - chocolate
Acetobacter pasteurianus - vinegar
Acetobacter tropicalis - coffee
Bifidobacterium adolescents - yogurt
Lactobacillus jensenii - bread
Lactococcus lactis - buttermilk
From Fungus:-
Aspergillus acidus - tea
Enterococcus faecalis - cream, pickle, soy sauce, cheese.
Candida mycoderma - limburger cheese
Penicillium camemberti - cheese
Penicillium chrysogenum - cheese, sausage
What is strain improvement?
ReplyDeleteThe improvement in any strain is the target to improve the desired metabolic or commercial product, using simple and inexpensive carbon and nitrogen sources and reduction in unwanted cometabolites.
The use of conventional and molecular tools to manipulate for augmenting the metabolic potential for commercial purposes is known as strain improvement.
Strain improvement is important to enhance the commercial product and also to reduce the cost economy. The success of any industry employing microbes is dependent on the potential and ability of strains to perform better and better, which is achieved by continuous improvement strain improvement involve construction of new hybrids with enhanced traits for fermentation.
Reference :-
Que.Hitorical background of biosensor.
ReplyDeleteAns. history of biosensors dates back to as early as 1906 when M. Cremer demonstrated that the concentration of an acid in a liquid is proportional to the electric potential that arises between parts of the fluid located on opposite sides of a glass membrane. However, it was only in 1909 that the concept of pH (hydrogen ion concentration) was introduced by Søren Peder Lauritz Sørensen and an electrode for pH measurements was realised in the year 1922 by W.S. Hughes . Between 1909 and 1922, Griffin and Nelson first demonstrated immobilisation of the enzyme invertase on aluminium hydroxide and charcoal.
The first ‘true’ biosensor was developed by Leland C. Clark, Jr in 1956 for oxygen detection.
He is known as the ‘father of biosensors’ and his invention of the oxygen electrode bears his name: ‘Clark electrode’.
The demonstration of an amperometric enzyme electrode for the detection of glucose by Leland Clark in 1962 was followed by the discovery of the first potentiometric biosensor to detect urea in 1969 by Guilbault and Montalvo. Eventually in 1975 the first commercial biosensor was developed by Yellow Spring Instruments (YSI).
Ever since the development of the i-STAT sensor, remarkable progress has been achieved in the field of biosensors.
The field is now a multidisciplinary area of research that bridges the principles of basic sciences (physics, chemistry and biology) with fundamentals of micro/nano-technology, electronics and applicatory medicine.
How does piezoelectric biosensors work?
ReplyDeletePiezoelectric biosensors utilise crystals which undergo an electric deformation when an electrical potential is applied to them. An AC potential produces a standing wave in the crystal at a characteristic frequency. This frequency is highly dependent on the elastic properties of the crystal, such that if a crystal is coated with a biological recognition element the binding of a large target analyte to a receptor will produce a change in the resonance frequency, which gives a binding signal. In a mode that uses surface acoustic waves, the sensitivity is greatly increased.
• Nanoelectric Biosensor
ReplyDeleteNanoelectric biosensor relay on the conductive properties of its material composition and their ability to send electric signals to a remote device .To ensure efficiency of nanosensor ,nanowires with high conductivity are used.However researcheresin bioengineering and nanotechnology are striving to develope new nanoelectric biosensors composed of variety of matetial alternatively.
Nanoelectric biosensors are administrated by doctors to patients who are risk for a particular disease.The sensor then relay signal and health status signal based on cellular activity.In doing so physician will able to monitor wital signal and symptom which allow them to gain in depth knowledge about the disease progression .Physician also able to identify the location of disease or malignant cell growth.
(19MMB 028)
Different types of sensors?
ReplyDeletefew types of sensors are as follows :
1 Temperature Sensor
2 IR Sensor
3 Ultrasonic Sensor
4 Touch Sensor
5 Proximity Sensors
6 Pressure sensor
Who discovered biosensor?
ReplyDeleteAns. The first biosensor was developed by Leland C. Clark, Jr in 1956 for oxygen detection.
He is known as the 'father of biosensor'.
What is flow injection analysis(FIA)?
ReplyDeleteFIA refers to automatic abstraction of samples from the test system and their injection into a flow of a carrier liquid, which is constantly passed through the detection element.
What is a biosensor?
ReplyDeleteA biosensor is an analytical device containing an immobilized biological material (enzyme, antibody, nucleic acid, hormone, organelle or whole cell) which can specifically interact with an analyte and produce physical, chemical or electrical signals that can be measured.
What is an analyte?
An analyte is a compound (e.g. glucose, urea, drug, pesticide) whose concentration has to be measured.
Use of biosensors:
Biosensors basically involve the quantitative analysis of various substances by converting their biological actions into measurable signals.
General features of a biosensor:
A biosensor has two distinct components:
1. Biological component—enzyme, cell etc.
2. Physical component—transducer, amplifier etc.
The biological component recognises and interacts with the analyte to produce a physical change (a signal) that can be detected, by the transducer.
In practice, the biological material is appropriately immobilized on to the transducer and the so prepared biosensors can be repeatedly used several times (may be around 10,000 times) for a long period (many months).
ReplyDeleteThe desired biological material (usually a specific enzyme) is immobilized by conventional methods (physical or membrane entrapment, non- covalent or covalent binding).
This immobilized biological material is in intimate contact with the transducer.
The analyte binds to the biological material to form a bound analyte which in turn produces the electronic response that can be measured.
In some instances, the analyte is converted to a product which may be associated with the release of heat, gas (oxygen), electrons or hydrogen ions.
The transducer can convert the product linked changes into electrical signals which can be amplified and measured.
ReplyDeleteBiosensors can be used for monitoring of fermentation products and estimation of various ions.
Thus, biosensors help for improving the fermentation conditions for a better yield.
Now a days, biosensors are employed to measure the odour and freshness of foods.
For instance, freshness of stored fish can be detected by ATPase. ATP is not found in spoiled fish and this can be detected by using ATPase.
One pharmaceutical company has developed immobilized cholesterol oxidase system for measurement of cholesterol concentration in foods (e.g. butter).
Use of computer in fermentor for process monitoring:
ReplyDeleteComputer technology has produced a remarkable impact in fermentation work in recent years and the computers are used to model fermentation processes in industrial fermentors.
Integration of computers into fermentation systems is based on the computers capacity for process monitoring, data acquisition, data storage, and error-detection.
Some typical, on-line data analysis functions include the acquisition measurements, verification of data, filtering, unit conversion, calculations of indirect measurements, differential integration calculations of estimated variables, data reduction, tabulation of results, graphical presentation of results, process stimulation and storage of data.
ReplyDeleteThe media used in industrial fermentation is generally rich in proteins.
When agitated during aeration, it invariably results in froth or foam formation that builds in head space of the bioreactor.
Antifoam chemicals are used to lower surface tension of the medium, besides causing foam bubbles to collapse.
Mineral oils based on silicone or vegetable oils are commonly used as antifoam agents.
Mechanical foam control devices, referred to as mechanical foam breakers, can also be used. Such devices, fitted at the top of the bioreactor break the foam bubbles and the throw back into the fermentation medium.
ReplyDeleteA bioreactor should provide for the following:
(i) Agitation (for mixing of cells and medium),
(ii) Aeration (aerobic fermentors); for O2 supply,
(iii) Regulation of factors like temperature, pH, pressure, aeration, nutrient feeding, liquid level etc.,
(iv) Sterilization and maintenance of sterility, and
(v) Withdrawal of cells/medium (for continuous fermentors).
Modern fermentors are usually integrated with computers for efficient process monitoring, data acquisition, etc.
Generally, 20-25% of fermentor volume is left unfilled with medium as “head space” to allow for splashing, foaming and aeration.
The fermentor design varies greatly depending on the type and the fermentation for which it is used.
Bioreactors are so designed that they provide the best possible growth and biosynthesis for industrially important cultures and allow ease of manipulation for all operations.
Benefits of strain improvement:
ReplyDeleteThe improved strains should possess the following characteristics (as many as possible) to finally result in high product formation:
1. Shorter time of fermentation
2. Capable of metabolizing low-cost substrates
3. Reduced O2 demand
4. Decreased foam formation
5. Non-production of undesirable compounds
6. Tolerance to high concentrations of carbon or nitrogen sources
7. Resistant to infections of bacteriophages.
It is always preferable to have improved strains of microorganisms which can produce one metabolite as the main product.
In this way, the production can be maximised, and its recovery becomes simpler.
Through genetic manipulations, it has been possible to develop strains for the production of modified or new metabolites which are of commercial value e.g. modified or newer antibiotics.
The major limitation of strain improvement is that for most of the industrially important microorganisms, there is lack of detailed information on the genetics, and molecular biology. This hinders the new strain development.
Methods of Strain Development/improvement:
ReplyDeleteThere are two distinct approaches for improvement of strains:
Recombination and recombinant DNA technology.
ReplyDeleteStrain improvement is a technology of manipulating and improving microbial strains in order to enhance metabolic capabilities.
The directed improvement of product, formation or cellular properties through modifications of specific biochemical pathways or by introduction of new pathways using recombinant DNA technology.
Stages in downstream processing:
ReplyDeleteThe five stages are:
(1) Solid-Liquid Separation
(2) Release of Intracellular Products (3) Concentration
(4) Purification by Chromatography and (5) Formulation.
What is scale up?
ReplyDeleteIt is a process to demonstrate fermentation production at large scale resulting in the same productivity and quality as that developed at small scale.
In short, the migration of a process from the lab-scale to the pilot plant-scale or commercial scale.
Some examples of the fields that use biosensor technology include:
ReplyDeleteGeneral healthcare monitoring
Screening for disease
Clinical analysis and diagnosis of disease
Veterinary and agricultural applications
Industrial processing and monitoring
Environmental pollution control
What is scale up?
ReplyDeleteThe migration of a process from the lab-scale to the pilot plant-scale or commercial scale.
Advantage and disadvantage of industrial automation:
1.High productivity
2.High quality
3.High flexibility
4.High information accuracy
5.High safety
1.High initial cost
(19MMB 028)
What is a biosensor?
ReplyDeleteA biosensor is an analytical device containing an immobilized biological material (enzyme, antibody, nucleic acid, hormone, organelle or whole cell) which can specifically interact with an analyte and produce physical, chemical or electrical signals that can be measured.
What is industrial automation?
ReplyDeleteIndustrial automation is the use of control systems, such as computers or robots, and information technologies for handling different processes and machineries in an industry to replace a human being. It is the second step beyond mechanization in the scope of industrialization.
Advantages of Industrial Automation
ReplyDeleteLower operating cost: Industrial automation eliminates healthcare costs and paid leave and holidays associated with a human operator. Further, industrial automation does not require other employee benefits such as bonuses, pension coverage etc. Above all, although it is associated with a high initial cost it saves the monthly wages of the workers which leads to substantial cost savings for the company. The maintenance cost associated with machinery used for industrial automation is less because it does not often fail. If it fails, only computer and maintenance engineers are required to repair it.
High productivity
Although many companies hire hundreds of production workers for a up to three shifts to run the plant for the maximum number of hours, the plant still needs to be closed for maintenance and holidays. Industrial automation fulfills the aim of the company by allowing the company to run a manufacturing plant for 24 hours in a day 7 days in a week and 365 days a year. This leads to a significant improvement in the productivity of the company.
High Quality
Automation alleviates the error associated with a human being. Further, unlike human beings, robots do not involve any fatigue, which results in products with uniform quality manufactured at different times.
High flexibility
Adding a new task in the assembly line requires training with a human operator, however, robots can be programmed to do any task. This makes the manufacturing process more flexible.
High Information Accuracy
Adding automated data collection, can allow you to collect key production information, improve data accuracy, and reduce your data collection costs. This provides you with the facts to make the right decisions when it comes to reducing waste and improving your processes.
High safety
Industrial automation can make the production line safe for the employees by deploying robots to handle hazardous conditions.
Disadvantages of Industrial Automation
ReplyDeleteHigh Initial cost
The initial investment associated with the making the switch from a human production line to an automatic production line is very high. Also, substantial costs are involved in training employees to handle this new sophisticated equipment.
Foam Formation Control in fermentor:
ReplyDeleteThe media that is used in industrial fermentation is rich in proteins, during aeration,it results in foam formation.
Antifoam chemicals are used to lower surface tension of the medium causing foam bubbles to collapse.
Mineral oils are commonly used as antifoam agents.
Mechanical foam control devices are also used. Such devices are fitted at the top of the bioreactor that break the foam bubbles .
Hitorical background of biosensor:
ReplyDeletehistory of biosensors dates back to as early as 1906 when M. Cremer demonstrated that the concentration of an acid in a liquid is proportional to the electric potential that arises between parts of the fluid located on opposite sides of a glass membrane. However, it was only in 1909 that the concept of pH (hydrogen ion concentration) was introduced by Søren Peder Lauritz Sørensen and an electrode for pH measurements was realised in the year 1922 by W.S. Hughes . Between 1909 and 1922, Griffin and Nelson first demonstrated immobilisation of the enzyme invertase on aluminium hydroxide and charcoal.
The first ‘true’ biosensor was developed by Leland C. Clark, Jr in 1956 for oxygen detection.
He is known as the ‘father of biosensors’ and his invention of the oxygen electrode bears his name: ‘Clark electrode’.
The demonstration of an amperometric enzyme electrode for the detection of glucose by Leland Clark in 1962 was followed by the discovery of the first potentiometric biosensor to detect urea in 1969 by Guilbault and Montalvo. Eventually in 1975 the first commercial biosensor was developed by Yellow Spring Instruments (YSI).
Ever since the development of the i-STAT sensor, remarkable progress has been achieved in the field of biosensors.
The field is now a multidisciplinary area of research that bridges the principles of basic sciences (physics, chemistry and biology) with fundamentals of micro/nano-technology, electronics and applicatory medicine
products manufactured by microorganisms:
ReplyDeleteUsing Bacteria:-
Acetobacter aceti - chocolate
Acetobacter pasteurianus - vinegar
Acetobacter tropicalis - coffee
Bifidobacterium adolescents - yogurt
Lactobacillus jensenii - bread
Lactococcus lactis - buttermilk
Using Fungus:-
Aspergillus acidus - tea
Enterococcus faecalis - cream, pickle, soy sauce, cheese.
Candida mycoderma - limburger cheese
Penicillium camemberti - cheese
Penicillium chrysogenum - cheese, sausage
Main Components of a Biosensor
ReplyDeleteThe block diagram of the biosensor includes three segments namely, sensor, transducer, and associated electrons. In the first segment, the sensor is a responsive biological part, the second segment is the detector part that changes the resulting signal from the contact of the analyte and for the results it displays in an accessible way. The final section comprises of an amplifier which is known as signal conditioning circuit, a display unit as well as the processor.
Working Principle of Biosensors
ReplyDeleteUsually, a specific enzyme or preferred biological material is deactivated by some of the usual methods, and the deactivated biological material is in near contact to the transducer. The analyte connects to the biological object to shape a clear analyte which in turn gives the electronic reaction that can be calculated. In some examples, the analyte is changed to a device which may be connected to the discharge of gas, heat, electron ions or hydrogen ions. In this, the transducer can alter the device linked converts into electrical signals which can be changed and calculated.
Working of Biosensors
The electrical signal of the transducer is frequently low and overlay upon a fairly high baseline. Generally, the signal processing includes deducting a position baseline signal, obtained from a related transducer without any biocatalyst covering.
The comparatively slow character of the biosensor reaction significantly eases the electrical noise filtration issue. In this stage, the direct output will be an analog signal however it is altered into digital form and accepted to a microprocessor phase where the information is progressed, influenced to preferred units and o/p to a data store.
Generation of biosensor :
ReplyDeleteThere are three generations of biosensors available in the market. In the First type of biosensor, the reaction of the product disperses to the sensor and causes the electrical reaction. In the second type, the sensor involves in particular mediators between the sensor and the response in order to produce a better response. In the third type, the response itself causes the reaction and no mediator is straightly involved.
Culturing your own vegetables through the techniques of Fermentation
ReplyDeleteWhether you use veggies from your garden or buy fresh organic vegetables in season, preserving them with lacto-fermentation provides your family with nourishing, delicious and safe food well beyond the harvest season.
When you make sauerkraut or a combination of cultured vegetables, why take chances on the results?
Starter cultures used for dairy foods are not suitable for vegetables. For consistently successful results, useCaldwell’s Starter Culture, which contains the correct strains of bacteria specific to fermenting vegetables, in the right proportions.
And if you don’t have time to ferment your own veggies, or the patience to wait till they’re ready, just choose from our range of Caldwell's delicious ready-to-eatfermented vegetables.
Nutritional benefits
ReplyDeleteWe all know that vegetables are good for our health. Fresh raw produce is abundant during the harvesting season, and is full of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.
Fermenting vegetables not only increases the nutrients, but also provides live enzymes and beneficial friendly bacteria.The health benefits of these probiotic bacteria are far-reaching:
• They help the digestion process by regulating the level of acidity through stimulating the production of beneficial intestinal flora.
• They generate antioxidant molecules.
• They have a soothing effect on the nervous system
• They provide a natural barrier and protect our bodies from invaders such as parasites, fungi, viruses, toxins and harmful bacteria.
Challenges faced during Fermentation techniques
ReplyDeleteAlthough the process of lacto-fermentation has been used safely for thousands of years, there are some challenges. Various factors can affect not only the quality (taste and texture), but also the consistency and safety of the final product:
• Freshness and quality of the vegetables
• Fermentation time
• Temperature
• Salt quality, content and quantity
• Secondary fermentation (after the product is packaged) causing swelling and ‘fizziness’.
However, when the fermenting process is controlled correctly, the raw cultured veggies are stable and safe, and can be kept in cold storage for a long time.
Preserving Tradition with Science
ReplyDeleteNature and science can sometimes combine to provide a good solution. Researchers at the Food Research and Development Centre (FRDC) of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada have studied the complex workings of traditional fermentation.
The research found that an important requirement is to use a mixed-strain starter culture that contains theappropriate bacterial strains for vegetable fermentation – and in the correct proportions.
Industrial fermentation process
ReplyDeleteThere are three main stages of industrial fermentation process:-
1. Upstream processing
2. Fermentation
3. Downstream processing
Upstream Processing refers to the first step in which biomolecules are grown, usually by bacterial or mammalian cell lines, in bioreactors. When they reach the desired density (for batch and fed batch cultures) they are harvested.
Industrial fermentation is to produce highest quality and quantity of a particular product by combining the works of different disciplines such as microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, chemistry, chemical and bioprocess engineering, mathematics, and computer science. Industrial fermentation is used in many industries, including microbiology, food, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and chemical. Besides it is performed in large scale fermenters often as several thousand liters in volume.
Downstream processing of biochemical products requires recovery from a complex mixture of molecules, impurities and contaminants by making use of dedicated unit operations. Stages of downstream process:-
Removal of Insolubles
Product isolation
Product Purification
Product Polishing
To markets.
Challenges faced during Fermentation :
ReplyDeleteVarious factors can affect not only the quality (taste and texture), but also the consistency and safety of the final product that mainly includes,
• Freshness and quality of the vegetables
• Fermentation time
• Temperature
• Salt quality, content and quantity
• Secondary fermentation (after the product is packaged) causing swelling and ‘fizziness
= when the product of fermentation is a polymer,continued excertion is batch culutre rasies the broth viscosity.cell concentration usually has a negligible effect on overall viscosity in these fermentations,the rheological properties of the fluid are dominated by the dissolved polymer. In cotrast,when the fermentation progresses and the polymer is broken down.There could also be progressive change from non-newtonian to newtonian behaviour.
Mixing is physical operation which reduces non-uniformities in fluids bt eliminating gradients of concentration,temp and other properties. Mixing is accomplished by interchanging material between differnt locations to produce a mingling of components.If a system is perfectly mixed,there is a random homogeneous distribution of system properties.Mixing is one of the most important in bioprocess.Mixing involves:
1. blending soluble component of the medium such as sugars
2. dispersing gases such as air through the liquid in the form of small bubbles
3. maintaining suspension of solid particles such as cells
4. promoting heat trasfer to or from the liquid
ReplyDeleteQUE:Different types of sparger
The sparger,impeller and baffles determine the effectiveness of mixing and oxygen mass transfer in stirred biorector. Three types of sparger are commonly used in bioreactor: porous,orifice and nozzle. Porous sparger are used mainly in small scale application.,gas throughout is limited because the sparger poses a high resistance to flow.
Orifice spargers,also known as perforated pipes are constructed by making small holes in piping which is then fashioned into a ring.
Nozzle spargers are used in many agitated fermenters from laboratory to production scale.
Inocula for large scale fermentation are transferred from smaller reactrs,to prevent contamination during this operation,both vesseles are maintained under positive air pressure. The simple aseptic trasfer method is to pressurise the inoculum vessel using sterile air, culutre is then effectively blown into the larger fermenter.Sampling ports are fitted to fermenter to allow removal of broth for analysis.
Airlift bioreactors:
ReplyDeleteIn the airlift bioreactors, the medium of the vessel is divided into two interconnected zones by means of a baffle or draft tube.
In one of the two zones referred to a riser, the air/gas is pumped. The other zone that receives no gas is the down comer.
The dispersion flows up the riser zone while the down flow occurs in the down comer.
There are two types of airlift bioreactors.
Internal-loop airlift bioreactor has a single container with a central draft tube that creates interior liquid circulation channels.
These bioreactors are simple in design, with volume and circulation at a fixed rate for fermentation.
External loop airlift bioreactor
possesses an external loop so that the liquid circulates through separate independent channels.
These reactors can be suitably modified to suit the requirements of different fermentations.
In general, the airlift bioreactors are more efficient than bubble columns, particularly for more denser suspensions of microorganisms.
This is mainly because in these bioreactors, the mixing of the contents is better compared to bubble columns.
Airlift bioreactors are commonly employed for aerobic bioprocessing technology.
They ensure a controlled liquid flow in a recycle system by pumping.
Due to high efficiency, airlift bioreactors are sometimes preferred e.g., methanol production, waste water treatment, single-cell protein production.
In general, the performance of the airlift bioreactors is dependent on the pumping (injection) of air and the liquid circulation.
Two-stage airlift bioreactors:
Two-stage airlift bioreactors are used for the temperature dependent formation of products. Growing cells from one bioreactor (maintained at temperature 30°C) are pumped into another bioreactor (at temperature 42°C).
There is a necessity for the two-stage airlift bioreactor, since it is very difficult to raise the temperature quickly from 30°C to 42°C in the same vessel.
Each one of the bioreactors is fitted with valves and they are connected by a transfer tube and pump .
The cells are grown in the first bioreactor and the bioprocess proper takes place in the second reactor.
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ReplyDeleteBiosensors and their types
ReplyDeleteBiosensors are now being applied for rapid diagnostics due to their capacity for point-of-care use with minimum need for operator input.
Antibody-based biosensors or immunosensors have revolutionized diagnostics for the detection of a plethora of analytes such as disease markers, food and environmental contaminants, biological warfare agents and illicit drugs. Antibodies are ideal biorecognition elements that provide sensors with high specificity and sensitivity.
Enzyme-based chemical biosensors are based on biological recognition. In order to operate, the enzymes must be available to catalyze a specific biochemical reaction and be stable under the normal operating conditions of the biosensor. Design of biosensors is based on knowledge about the target analyte, as well as the complexity of the matrix in which the analyte has to be quantified. Enzyme-based biosensors are subject to interference from chemicals present in the sample matrix. Interference is especially problematic in biological samples in particular, as there are often electrochemical interferences in the sample matrix [15], as well as small molecule metabolites, proteins, macromolecules and cells.Some pathological conditions, such as inflammation or tumors, could modify some fluid parameters chemical composition or pH, influencing the activities of the enzyme and, consequently, the biosensor performances. Matrix interference can often be overcome by pretreatments, such as extraction, pre-concentration, filtration and derivatization
What are biosensors?
ReplyDeleteBiosensors are vertical analytical device used to measure or detect particular chemical substance. On its surface there is biological component.When analyte binds to this biological component it leads to various changes which are measured by transducer after amplified by amplifier.
Components of biosensors:
ReplyDeleteIt consists of the following components.
Analyte: A substance of interest that needs detection. For instance, glucose is an ‘analyte’ in a biosensor designed to detect glucose.
Bioreceptor: A molecule that specifically recognises the analyte is known as a bioreceptor. Enzymes, cells, aptamers, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and antibodies are some examples of bioreceptors. The process of signal generation (in the form of light, heat, pH, charge or mass change, etc.) upon interaction of the bioreceptor with the analyte is termed bio-recognition.
Transducer: The transducer is an element that converts one form of energy into another. In a biosensor the role of the transducer is to convert the bio-recognition event into a measurable signal. This process of energy conversion is known as signalisation. Most transducers produce either optical or electrical signals that are usually proportional to the amount of analyte–bioreceptor interactions.
Electronics: This is the part of a biosensor that processes the transduced signal and prepares it for display. It consists of complex electronic circuitry that performs signal conditioning such as amplification and conversion of signals from analogue into the digital form. The processed signals are then quantified by the display unit of the biosensor.
Display: The display consists of a user interpretation system such as the liquid crystal display of a computer or a direct printer that generates numbers or curves understandable by the user. This part often consists of a combination of hardware and software that generates results of the biosensor in a user-friendly manner. The output signal on the display can be numeric, graphic, tabular or an image, depending on the requirements of the end user.
In Industry there is more use of Batch fermentation than Continuous fermentation.Why so?
ReplyDeleteBatch fermentation is easy to set up and run than continuous fermentation. In continuous Fermentation it requires sophisticated instrumentation. Batch fermentation is more suitable for the production of secondary metabolites (ex. Antibiotics). Batch Fermentation, Less initial investment required and Labour demand is also less. In Batch Fermentation, after fermentation is over, the residues are taken out from the fermentation tank, and vessel is then cleaned and sterile before next batch of fermentation so that Chance of contamination is less than continuous fermentation. And easy and quick control methods.
What is metabolic flux?
ReplyDeleteMetabolic flux is the passage of a metabolite through a reaction system over time, and flux analysis is the combination of time-course methodologies in metabolomics and computational modeling of pathways.
Characteristics of an ideal biosensor:
ReplyDelete1)Accuracy:It should give the value which is most near value to the correct answer.
2)Precision:It should give same results again and again.
3)Specificity:It should be able to detect the specific analyte without getting confused by other analytes.More is the specificity, the chances of false negative results decreases.
4)Sensitivity: Biosensor should have capacity to detect the lowest concentration of analyte. Lower the sensitivity the chance of false positive results increases.
5)Rapid:It should give rapid results
6) Reproducibility and replicability
7) No sample processing should be required.
8)No biofilm formation should be there.
9)No time lag should be there.
What is FIA(Flow Injection Analysis)?
ReplyDeleteFlow injection analysis (FIA) is an automated methodology in which the samples are dipped at regular intervals into a flowing stream of solvent or reagent and are subsequently measured potentiometrically or by other types of detection.In flow injection analysis, it is possible to inject the reagent into a continuously flowing sample stream.
•Flash cooler
ReplyDeleteMarriott walker flash coolers are used by many processes to cool a wide range of hot liquid food product in a prompt and efficient manner .
A flash cooler cools liquid products by admitting them into vaccume vessel,operating at temperature lower than the liquid to be cooled. The hot liquid flashes in the water and promptly and cools to the vessel's operating temperature thtough the evaporation of water from the hot liquid product.
Flash cooler can be arranged in single or multi stage configuration and two different design are used,depending on the liquid product viscocity.
Many liquid product such as barbeque sauce,salad dressings and condensed dairy products can quickly and efficiently flash cooled when needed.
(19 MMB 028)
•Super heating
ReplyDeleteknown as boiling retardation or boiling delay is the phenomenon in which liquid is heated to a temperature higher than its boiling point ,without boiling.This is called metastable or metastate where boiling might occur at any time induced by external or internal effect.
Superheating is achieved by heating homogenous substance in clean cintainer,free of nucleation site.
(19MMB 028)
What is Del factor?
ReplyDelete-Deindoerfer and Humphery used the term as a design criterion for the sterilization which has been called as DEL Factor or NABLA factor. Del factor is a measure of fractional reduction of viable organism count produced by a certain heat and time regime.
Del Factor:-
ReplyDeleteDel Factor is defined as an estimate of relative reduction in number of living cells with respect to their initial number.
According to Deindoerfer and Humphrey in 1959, this term is used as a design criterion for sterilization, which has been variously called Del factor, Nabla factor and sterilization criterion represented by the term ∇.
The Del factor gives idea about fractional reduction in viable organism count produced by a definite heat in particular time.
Q-How does vaccum cooling works?
ReplyDelete-An airtight chamber is maintained by removing air from the inside of the chamber using a vacuum pump. The products to be cooled are kept in that airtight chamber. As the pressure is reduced the boiling point of water reduces and water starts to evaporate, taking the heat from the product.This is how it works.
What is Del factor?
ReplyDeleteDeindoerfer and Humphery used the term ln (Nt / N0) as a design criterion for the sterilization which has been called as DEL Factor or NABLA factor.
Del factor is a measure of fractional reduction of viable organism count produced by a certain heat and time regime.
∇ = A.t. e –E/Rt
types of sparger:
ReplyDeleteThe sparger,impeller and baffles determine the effectiveness of mixing and oxygen mass transfer in stirred biorector. Three types of sparger are commonly used in bioreactor: porous,orifice and nozzle. Porous sparger are used mainly in small scale application.,gas throughout is limited because the sparger poses a high resistance to flow.
Orifice spargers,also known as perforated pipes are constructed by making small holes in piping which is then fashioned into a ring.
Nozzle spargers are used in many agitated fermenters from laboratory to production scale.
ReplyDelete= when the product of fermentation is a polymer,continued excertion is batch culutre rasies the broth viscosity.cell concentration usually has a negligible effect on overall viscosity in these fermentations,the rheological properties of the fluid are dominated by the dissolved polymer. In cotrast,when the fermentation progresses and the polymer is broken down.There could also be progressive change from non-newtonian to newtonian behaviour.
What is Del factor?
ReplyDelete-design criterion for the sterilization which has been called as DEL Factor or NABLA factor. Del factor is a measure of fractional reduction of viable organism count produced by a certain heat and time regime.
Important of mixing in bioprecess:
ReplyDeleteMixing is physical operation which reduces non-uniformities in fluids bt eliminating gradients of concentration,temp and other properties. Mixing is accomplished by interchanging material between differnt locations to produce a mingling of components.If a system is perfectly mixed,there is a random homogeneous distribution of system properties.Mixing is one of the most important in bioprocess.Mixing involves:
1. blending soluble component of the medium such as sugars
2. dispersing gases such as air through the liquid in the form of small bubbles
3. maintaining suspension of solid particles such as cells
4. promoting heat trasfer to or from the liquid